Recent content by Natsirt

  1. N

    Are Mass and Energy the same thing?

    What do you mean by non-zero energy? And how are thinking of momentum in your description, I know p=MV but are you thinking of it differently to make the explanation clearer in you head? Thanks for your help I think I'm close to understanding.
  2. N

    Does Cosmic inflation cause spacetime to move?

    Well I'm asking because Einstein theorized that outside of our universe there is no spacetime. Then you have so many theories of multi verses and how our universe could be a bubble, is that theoretical bubble just a group of matter or a bubble of matter and spacetime?
  3. N

    Are Mass and Energy the same thing?

    What do you mean: four-momentum?
  4. N

    Are Mass and Energy the same thing?

    So this is what I think all this means. When calculating the energy of rest mass you times the mass by C, but you also have to times mass by P and the P would be the same as C so squaring C in e=mc2 doesn't make the final calc higher than it should be. Or mc^2 times mp^2
  5. N

    Point in Space: Classical Math & Recent Physics

    Points in time.
  6. N

    Are Mass and Energy the same thing?

    I have a hard time comprehending the theory when I apply c2. Maybe a better question would be how does light apply or how is energy not mass?
  7. N

    Are Mass and Energy the same thing?

    Since E=mc2, that means that mass is energy and energy is mass right?
  8. N

    Why does spacetime warp around mass if it doesn't have mass?

    I'm in 10th too. Space-time does act like a force field, I knew that but I needed to hear it in the way you said it. Some of what we have been discussing is string theory and how the energy that makes the strings vibrate means they won't pass through things, instead they'll act as a force or a...
  9. N

    What are the different types of Mass?

    I found this helpfu . Very simplified, it sounds like energy warps spacetime because E=mc2 but a mass does not have to be solid to do so. In other words it can still pass through things. Is that right?
  10. N

    Why does spacetime warp around mass if it doesn't have mass?

    So why doesn't spacetime go through matter unaffected?
  11. N

    Why does spacetime warp around mass if it doesn't have mass?

    I guess a more precise question would be why does mass effect mass even if it can sometimes pass through things like neutrinos do or maybe how the strings in String theory might?
  12. N

    Why does spacetime warp around mass if it doesn't have mass?

    Whatever spacetime be made of strings or some other erotic substance it seems that it doesn't have mass so what causes it to warp around mass, shouldn't it pass right through?
  13. N

    What are the different types of Mass?

    So when subatomic particles are going near the speed of light the amount of energy creates a measurable amount of more mass?