Recent content by Nathan Elward

  1. Nathan Elward

    Best Mathematics Text Book (for 1st year university)

    Thanks. Openstax is a decent resource I hadn't heard of before. I'll definitely be using it.
  2. Nathan Elward

    Best Mathematics Text Book (for 1st year university)

    I'm going to Uni in October and want to get a head with maths for physics NOW so its not so daunting when I am there. What textbooks/resources are an excelent introduction to physical mathematics? Thanks Nathan
  3. Nathan Elward

    Is a Physics Major the Right Choice for My Career Change?

    Hey everyone, just joined obviously. (Or Have I?) I'm in the process of signing up for courses with Cardiff University with an eye on doing a Physics major. This will be my first degree and will mean a complete career change.