Recent content by Narroo

  1. N

    Schools What are the best resources for brushing up on math skills for graduate school?

    Good morning! So, I graduated in 2013 and got a job in industry. Now, I'm starting grad school in the fall. That's a 2.5 year gap; I'd like to brush up on my skills and shore up my weaknesses. Anyone have recommendations? In particular, for Math Methods and skills? As far as Undergraduate...
  2. N

    So, what are your thoughts on my statement of purpose?

    3rd version with a completely redone ending. Am I getting closer? Statement of Purpose I’m applying to the Physics program XXX in the hopes of joining either the XXX or XXX Laboratories. The XXX and XXX Labs investigate the electromagnetic properties of solids, which to me is exciting...
  3. N

    So, what are your thoughts on my statement of purpose?

    Okay, I've got some advice and rewrote it a bit: Here's my newest draft: Statement of Purpose I’m applying to the Physics program XXX to facilitate a career as Experimental Physicist. I have a strong interest in Electrodynamics and Magnetic fields. XXX’s experimental research plays...
  4. N

    So, what are your thoughts on my statement of purpose?

    Good morning! Can someone help me critique my Statement of Purpose? Here's my first attempt: (On a side note, should I put in that I taught myself C++ in this paper?) Statement of Purpose In short, my purpose is study at XXX to obtain a Ph.D. in Physics to facilitate a career as...
  5. N

    Schools How tell if a Potential Grad School is a Safety School or Not.

    No, I didn't have a bachelor's thesis. There was a class project that didn't go anywhere in the latter half of our senior year, but nothing that I could put on a resume because we didn't accomplish anything. (They basically said: Hey, last year we had come with a concept for a simple Muon...
  6. N

    Schools How tell if a Potential Grad School is a Safety School or Not.

    Hi there! I'm choosing my Grad School Applications now. I'm looking for a balance of reach and safety school- all with programs I'd like. Now, when I find a school I like, how can I tell what my chances of being accepted are? Is there a resource I can use to tell how competitive a program...
  7. N

    Definite Double Integral of a single variable

    T is an independent variable of the system in question. Actually, the equation was dependent on the change in T, ΔT, not T itself, which is why the integral was definite. And thanks for clearing everything up everyone!
  8. N

    Definite Double Integral of a single variable

    Sorry, I miss-read it. That said, there are two things I do not understand: In the following: $$ \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\sum_{i=1}^n\left(f(x_i)(\Delta x)^2\right) =\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\left(\Delta x\sum_{i=1}^nf(x_i)\Delta x\right) =\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\Delta...
  9. N

    Definite Double Integral of a single variable

    Thanks. But, I'm not really interested in handing waving the odd term away. I'm interested in how I'd actually solve the equation exactly.
  10. N

    Definite Double Integral of a single variable

    Homework Statement This isn't actually homework. I was messing around in my notebook trying something when I ended up writing something to the effect of this: dT = \frac{V^{2}}{R(1+α dT)}dQ R(1+α dT) dT = V^{2}dQ Where α and V are constants. Now, I'm fairly sure what I had done made...
  11. N

    (What is) Schwarzschild Radius and Potential Energy

    I was thinking a bit earlier: What if you created a particle at infinity (ignore the normal particle rules for simplicity), and allowed it to fall towards a massive body? Ignoring other effects such as the other forces, would the particle ever gain enough energy to surpass the energy...
  12. N

    Find the velocity (in a simple and timely manner)

    I'm preparing for the GRE, and I've encountered a practice problem that I can solve, but not in a manner practical for the test. Homework Statement Two spaceships approach Earth with equal speeds, as measured by an observer on Earth, but from opposite directions. A meterstick on one...
  13. N

    If I liked E&M, what should I look for in a Grad Degree?

    So, if I said that Nuclear Fusion, in concept, always interested me, would that be a good thing? The prospects on Nuclear Fusion aside.
  14. N

    If I liked E&M, what should I look for in a Grad Degree?

    So, I graduated last year and decided to spend the year working before applying to grad school. I'm trying to narrow down what fields I want to look at, so I'm collecting information. To that end, my current question is this: "What fields of physics, as common defined by grad-school program...