Recent content by Nakisima

  1. N

    Do all stars belong to galaxies?

    It looks like a mind-bender, but you have to look at the big picture. A really really big picture. If you can accept that 99.8% of the stars we can see with our naked eye are in our own galaxy, and that the stars in other galaxies appear as a couple of bright ones because they are that far away...
  2. N

    Does the Sun's composition of hydrogen make it prone to explosion?

    My mistake, history was not my forte.
  3. N

    Does the Sun's composition of hydrogen make it prone to explosion?

    I've recreated one of the first experiments I did in Chemistry many times - Water electrolysis to split it into Hydrogen and Oxygen, and prove the existence of hydrogen with a burning splint that goes "pop" in the test tube. The Sun is a massive ball of hydrogen, that uses Nuclear fusion to turn...
  4. N

    Exploring Europa: Could it Sustain Life?

    Europa is a tricky subject from the life-sustaining point of view. It has water and oxygen, both essential components for life. However, its distance from the sun is an obvious impairment, as even the lowest forms of life and single-celled organisms need a good source of light. Warmth would be a...
  5. N

    What are the factors that affect the speed of light?

    Thoughts could never be faster than light. Brain signals are electricity, which are forced electrons, which have a mass of 1. Photons that make up light have zero mass as expressed previously. More mass = Reduced Speed Capabilities. Plus we're on earth, not in a vacuum.
  6. N

    Why is planck temperature the highest possible temperature

    The lowest temperature, absolute zero, is the lowest because energy can only be condensed so much, but it can expand (I thought) infinitely, therefore there really should not be a cap on how high temperatures should reach.
  7. N

    Planetary gas giant atmospheres

    I hadn't thought of that. I knew that a body of rock or metal had to be a certain size before its gravity shaped it into a sphere, but thinking of Jupiter's core as larger than Earth hadn't even crossed my mind. Thanks!
  8. N

    Why don't electrons stick to the protons in a nucleus?

    TV programmes should really stop using the classic "electrons orbiting a nucleus" type animation then.
  9. N

    Early Universe: Closer Galaxies, Big Bang Visibility?

    Isn't that true at any other point in the universe? Even on Earth we are looking very slightly in the past when we see with our eyes. Wouldn't your comment imply that we are close the "point" the big bang occured? Or am I missing the point entirely?
  10. N

    Could you use contained light as a form of propulsion?

    Light can bend because of the gravity of a black hole, I don't know if it actually contains it. Once the light's source is blocked, it stops, simply put.
  11. N

    Why don't electrons stick to the protons in a nucleus?

    So the electrons are orbiting so fast they're kept in a sort of perpetual "slingshot", in that the nucleus is attracting the electrons, but they can neither be completely attracted to, nor catapulted away from the nucleus because of their velocity?
  12. N

    Is time in our universe absolute?

    I've only just realized the complexity of your second question, and I didn't quite answer fully. Light emitting from an object 9 billion light years away will inevitably send light out not just in our direction, however that light will keep on traveling long after it has reached us depending on...
  13. N

    Early Universe: Closer Galaxies, Big Bang Visibility?

    An edge defines a point in which a dimensional change occurs. To say we were at an edge of the universe would be a ridiculous claim to make, as we can see other objects away from the Earth at a full 360 degrees. We might be, as some have claimed if you travel through the universe in one...
  14. N

    Plasma Color: What Makes It Blue & What Colors It Can Be?

    Not to change colour, for pure light to be split into it's spectral colours. Like water refracts light to make it look blue-green.
  15. N

    Is time in our universe absolute?

    The universe doesn't just pop up into existence when it expands, it takes the matter inside it with it to a degree - We know this because the galaxies are moving further apart. No one really knows how the universe can still be expanding, as it was once smaller than the size of a dust particle. I...