Recent content by Nagransham

  1. N

    Drawing a trajectory with multiple gravitational soures.

    Well... i took some time and looked into the links and infos you guys provided and I'm not really sure on how helpful those are. Mostly because I'm not understanding any of it :| I looked into that mathlab implementation you linked me and I'm afraid it'll take me a week to even understand what...
  2. N

    Drawing a trajectory with multiple gravitational soures.

    Well it's just for drawing a trajectory, the actual objects will be simulated. So if the error margin is small enough it won't matter all that much. But then again, slow passages might become a problem since you'd need a rather small time step and hence many calculations and that could then add...
  3. N

    Drawing a trajectory with multiple gravitational soures.

    I'm impressed. Not only does one actually get an answer here (this goes out to pretty much every other physics forums i ever visited) but you guys are fast too. Not only that but now you show knowledge in programing too. Cool. Anyway, i'll need some time to dig through that. Thanks for the...
  4. N

    Drawing a trajectory with multiple gravitational soures.

    Yea i figured as much. Now, the whole "connect the dots" thing is step by step :P The problem is that it has to run on a phone and calculating and drawing all the steps every single update could become too much rather fast. I'm really worried about slower speeds, for example orbiting a planet...
  5. N

    Drawing a trajectory with multiple gravitational soures.

    Hi there guys. As the title implies I'm trying to draw a trajectory on the screen (yes, this is indeed about programing :P) involving multiple sources of gravity. Here is my dilemma: Since I'm working with an update loop there would be no problem to just simulate an object and having it...