Recent content by N83

  1. N

    Is a 3.02 GPA in Physics Enough for Top Physics Grad Schools?

    Thank you for all the continued guidance, everyone. I appreciate it. I'm actually not "aiming" for top 15 schools in general. I wanted to know if I stood a chance to get into UMD, specifically, because due to financial and other restraints, that is the only one that I can potentially go to if...
  2. N

    Is a 3.02 GPA in Physics Enough for Top Physics Grad Schools?

    I really appreciate the honesty. Thank you. If I had a shot to attend initially on a provisional basis, that would be great. And you're right, the school would be fully funded from my work- no scholarship needed. I feel like if I had a shot at a few classes I could prove my worth. Thank you...
  3. N

    Is a 3.02 GPA in Physics Enough for Top Physics Grad Schools?

    My research experience related to physics is very limited. My undergrad research project was theoretical astrophysics, so I didn't have any lab time. "Strong" letters? I would say no. I have kept in touch with two of my physics professors, one of which was my academic adviser, but I can't...
  4. N

    Is a 3.02 GPA in Physics Enough for Top Physics Grad Schools?

    That's odd, their page says: I don't mean to nit-pick but I want to make sure we're all on the same page in case someone else with a similar question finds this thread later. Regardless, thank you for all the guidance so far. I'd be lying if...
  5. N

    Is a 3.02 GPA in Physics Enough for Top Physics Grad Schools?

    Hello, all. I feel like I'm in a tough spot and wanted some guidance. I've used this forum over the years for kinds of info but this will be my first time seeking help. I'm looking to go to grad school to obtain a Masters in Physics. I graduated from GW in 2012 with a 3.02 GPA in Physics and...
  6. N

    Journal papers on dark matter?

    Great! Thank you for the help!
  7. N

    Journal papers on dark matter?

    Hello all, I'm trying to do some research on dark matter and its effect on globular structures for my undergrad research project. I'm having difficulties gettin the ball rolling and need some help on where to look for journal papers on the topic. Unfortunately the professor that I will...