Recent content by N0ximas

  1. N

    MHB How Do You Calculate Profit from Selling Oranges by the Box?

    Thanks for the hint on problem 2. So would P(p) be: P(n) = pn - 16n - 300 =-(p16)n - 300I know the function type is based on the power. If the power is 1, then the function is linear. Since the power is 1, the function is linear.For last question, I concluded that the max is positive infinity...
  2. N

    MHB How Do You Calculate Profit from Selling Oranges by the Box?

    Need help with the following word problem: You are going to sell oranges by the box full. The first supplier will sell you a box of 20 oranges for \$16 a package, but there is an additional charge of \$300.00 per month to purchase oranges from the company. 1. Find and show you how you found...