Recent content by Mzachman

  1. M

    Two main ideas how to find a career that might combine the two?

    Hi everybody, It's been quite a while since I have posted on here, but I used to cruise around and read quite a bit and answer a question every now and again. Now I have a question that I have been trying to answer myself, and it isn't an easy one, and I just remembered this forum and all of...
  2. M

    Why Does Relativity Use Hyperbolic Functions for Space-Time Transformations?

    I wasn't sure if this should go here or the relativity section, but it is for a "physics math" course, so I figured I would have the best luck here.Homework Statement According to the Theory of Relativity, if an event happens at a space-time point (x,t) according to an observer, another moving...
  3. M

    What to Do When You're Not Sure: Advice from Purdue Students

    Is there some way to move this to the Academic Guidance section? I think it's a better fit to that area...
  4. M

    What to Do When You're Not Sure: Advice from Purdue Students

    The Next Chapter! Hey guys, I haven't posted here in a long time now, but I have another chapter to add to my story, and more questions (or it appears, an old question that I never found an answer for...). Since you have basically my whole story up above, I won't retype it like I was...
  5. M

    Quick question about gravity/time dilation

    That would suggest that it's based on the vector type net acceleration of gravity. Unless those can somehow add, so that in the two planet example we would be "accelerating" both directions and once, and therefore feel no "force." Hmm... Ok, so technically it is possible then... It just got me...
  6. M

    Quick question about gravity/time dilation

    Ok, that's what I was wondering. I was guessing that was the way it worked, but i wasn't sure. Now, assuming that gravity "travels" at the speed of light, and that time dilation is based on gravitational potential, and not the net vector for gravity... what are the implications of this for when...
  7. M

    Quick question about gravity/time dilation

    I'm thinking about something, but I need to know this first... Is the time dilation from gravity caused by a net gravitational force, or by the total magnitudes of the gravities added up? For example, would a clock floating directly between two identical planets have time pass as if it...
  8. M

    Spanish vs German - Which Foreign Language?

    I'm signing up for classes right now, and I'm going to start my foreign language. I'm pretty sure I want to take either Spanish (because I have some experience with it, and it would be the most useful here in the US), or German (since it's more scientific, and my family is german, so that would...
  9. M

    Applied Physics at Purdue a good idea?

    Nobody has any thoughts on this? Lol. I'll bet somebody does...
  10. M

    Applied Physics at Purdue a good idea?

    I've been look at some stuff about applied physics recently to see if I would be interested in doing that, but it seems like mostly everywhere else it is different than it is here at Purdue. Applied Physics here at Purdue takes all of the core classes of the Physics degree (physics and college...
  11. M

    Jobs Available with Physics, Applied Physics & Aeronautical Engineering Degrees

    Well you do sound a lot like me. I think our Applied Physics over here sounds different though (or maybe just Purdue's is different?). Applied Physics here at Purdue takes all of the core classes of the Physics degree (physics and college of science requirements), removes the 30 credit hours...
  12. M

    Physics M.S. in Physics: Am I Wasting My Time?

    What is your reason personally that you are 1) getting a graduate degree, and 2) doing it in physics? An answer would really depend on those.
  13. M

    Jobs Available with Physics, Applied Physics & Aeronautical Engineering Degrees

    I do know their Engineering is supposed to be one of the best, but I don't know much about the physics program actually. I would assume it's pretty good from what I've sen so far though. I haven't actually been down there. It's called the Center for Career Opportunities here (unless you're...
  14. M

    Jobs Available with Physics, Applied Physics & Aeronautical Engineering Degrees

    Alright, how about this specifically then. Purdue has a nice 5 year M.S. plan for Applied Physics majors. In just one extra year (so I would have about 4 left) I could leave here with a Master's in Applied Physics... What could someone with a Master's in Applied Physics do (Obviously depending...
  15. M

    Jobs Available with Physics, Applied Physics & Aeronautical Engineering Degrees

    Well, i wouldn't want to just go to school to not do that for my career... So if I do physics I would like to do physics afterwards. lol But as far as answering that question... sounds like "I don't know" was the right answer...