Recent content by myranaira

  1. M

    Letter of Rec. not sent, should I rescind?

    I feel like it would be better to remove the person from the list. I feel like the schools wouldn't have a record of the fact that you put someone's name in, but then changed/deleted it. Those sorts of changes can happen for any reason.
  2. M

    Is it frowned upon to take a week off of an REU?

    I wouldn't take the first week off, as you'd miss out on both orientation as well as bonding with the other people in the REU, which can be half the experience. One of my friends took a week off in the middle of my REU and arranged to be paid less; however, he was part of a prestigious...
  3. M

    Upper-tier undergrad offering merit-based scholarships?

    Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is a small midwestern liberal arts college that is very well known for its undergraduate physics department. They have a strong focus on experimental physics/materials science/glass research and a really active SPS chapter. They do offer merit scholarships...
  4. M

    Admissions Will a poor undergraduate research topic affect graduate admission?

    I have a graduate admissions question for anyone who might have been part of a graduate admissions committee. How do you view undergraduate research projects that are not cutting edge or particularly interesting? My project is on the effect of ball milling on production of a bulk high-Tc...
  5. M

    Schools How many B's can I allow myself if I want to go to top grad school?

    I've heard that after you get above ~3.7 you're reasonably good to go. Also, B's in calc 2 and your freshman/sophomore level classes won't matter as much as long as you pull the trend upwards in your junior/senior years.
  6. M

    A depressing story/considering ALL options

    Just to clarify: Are you trying to get a second bachelor's degree in physics, after having completed a bachelor's and master's in physics? I don't think you'd be allowed to take another bachelor's in physics just because you didn't do as well as you'd have liked on your first one. Also, if you...
  7. M

    Schools Grad School acceptance (or supposed lack thereof)

    It's not just about retaking courses you failed, it's about making sure you understand all the material in the relevant courses you've already taken. For example, I got a B in a class where I did not fully understand the material. Theoretically a B isn't a bad grade, but the point is that I...
  8. M

    Schools Grad School acceptance (or supposed lack thereof)

    From your transcript, I personally find it hard to believe that you work harder on classes you enjoy. If that were the case you'd be getting A's/B's in your math courses, not B's and C's. Also, depending on your school's requirements, it will probably be difficult to get in a CS major if you...
  9. M

    Programs How do you know when a major is not right for you?

    I don't think it has to do with innate ability as much as it has to do with studying "Smartly." Changing one's study habits, or seeking additional external help, can do wonders in better comprehending course material.
  10. M

    Schools Grad School acceptance (or supposed lack thereof)

    Another question that should probably be asked is, how do you know you want to go to grad school? Grad school in applied math is a lot different from grad school in chemistry/physics (which I'm guessing was your original major). Were you planning to do a PhD or Masters? What makes you think...
  11. M

    Preparation for research as freshman/course rigor comparison

    playoff: If coding is completely new to you but you want to try and learn it in your spare time you could also try The site's format is nice because it allows you to work on pretty cool projects while you learn coding. I worked through the javascript course sequence 2 summers...
  12. M

    Schools Courses and Additional Study required for Grad School Physics

    From what I can tell you're going to definitely need elective courses in upper-level undergraduate Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics (and possibly upper-level statistical physics and Electricity & Magnetism, depending on what is covered in your curriculum). The math curriculum looks...
  13. M

    Should I go for Liberal Arts Physics?

    One of my friends is doing a 3-2 program at my small liberal arts school for Computer engineering. He is a math major and will take quite a few computer science courses. You might be better off taking more Computer Science courses as a foundation for computer engineering grad school. Also...
  14. M

    Is GRE Required for International Students from English-Speaking Countries?

    You may also be required to take the TOEFL, which is an English test often required of international students.
  15. M

    Rejected from all REUs. What am I lacking?

    - How good were your personal statements? Those are pretty important as they help the REU admissions committee understand your motivation to seek an REU. - How good were your letters of rec? Those are sometimes more important than the personal statements. -A lot of REUs seek to improve...