Recent content by mXSCNT

  1. M

    What is a function, when you consider the partial/total derivative?

    Example, if: z=xy y=x then: the partial derivative \frac{\partial z}{\partial x} = y, treating z as a function of two variables z(x, y) = xy the total derivative \frac{dz}{dx} = 2x, treating z as a function of one variable, z(x) =z y(x). So there doesn't seem to be a way to define the...
  2. M

    Average size of connected components in grid

    Yeah Cool! I should have thought of that. I ran a simulation and got around 7.6 for average component size (random grids of 3000 x 3000). For grids of 300x300 it was 7.5-7.6 so it does seem to be roughly constant.
  3. M

    Average size of connected components in grid

    Start with an infinite 2d grid of cells, with each cell randomly colored black or white (50% chance). Now take the graph G whose nodes are the cells, and with an edge (A, B) if A and B are adjacent in the grid, and the same color. What is the average size of a connected component of G? Is it...
  4. M

    Can Language Homomorphisms Map Truth Across Different Symbolic Systems?

    Yeah, it is just like that. Thanks! Another note. f : A \rightarrow C induces a map h : B \rightarrow D. Specifically, h takes in a string in B and maps each character in the string to another single character, such that the result is always in D. I wonder if we can generalize further, to...
  5. M

    Can Language Homomorphisms Map Truth Across Different Symbolic Systems?

    Hey, I was thinking of this generalization of homomorphisms. You have a language L_1 = (A, B) where A is a set of symbols and B is a set of sequences of symbols in A. Given languages L_1 = (A, B) and L_2 = (C, D) a function f: A \rightarrow C is defined to be a homomorphism of languages if...
  6. M

    Probability of dealing the final blow

    Suppose you have a role playing game in which n players attack a boss with H hit points. Each hit reduces the boss's hit points by a certain amount. The players take turns hitting, starting with player 1, proceeding to player 2, onward to player n, and then back to player 1 again. Eventually...
  7. M

    Paradox of uniform prob. distribution on Z+ vs cardinality, etc.

    I think you do want to restrict X to be [0, 1). Because if X were all the real numbers, even if you could define a map where \mu(S_{i, j}) is the same for any i, j, that wouldn't help you since you can't uniformly sample from all the real numbers. Anyway you've basically just stated an...
  8. M

    Vector Components and Choosing Epsilon: True or False?

    There's no statement that could be true or false, you have just defined some variables. Perhaps you meant to add something to it?
  9. M

    Paradox of uniform prob. distribution on Z+ vs cardinality, etc.

    Where are you getting these statements from? Using my example of F, both of those statements are false. (1) is false because S_{i,j} is a countable union of intervals within [0, 1) so it is measurable. (2) is false because \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \mu(S_{i,j}) = 1 for all j, because...
  10. M

    Probability of rolling a sum of 6 before a 7 or 9

    You first mistake is that the events of not having a 9, and of not having a 7, are not independent, so you can't multiply them. Your second mistake is that the the event of getting the 6 on the second roll requires no 9, 7, OR 6 on the first roll. If instead we have the single event: w = "the...
  11. M

    Paradox of uniform prob. distribution on Z+ vs cardinality, etc.

    Perhaps an example would help. \pi - 3 = 0.14159... = 0.001001000011111101101010... in binary. Calculating F(\pi - 3) = m we find: a_1 = 1, d_1 = 1, r_1 = 1, m(1) = 1 a_2 = 1, d_2 = 2, r_2 = 2, m(2) = 2 a_3 = 2, d_3 = 3, r_3 = 3, m(4) = 3 a_4 = 1, d_4 = 3, r_4 = 4, m(3) = 4 a_5 = 2, d_5 =...
  12. M

    Paradox of uniform prob. distribution on Z+ vs cardinality, etc.

    D_i is the set of all numbers v where (v, w) is in m_i, and R_i is the set of all numbers w where (v, w) is in m_i. They don't really need a base case, but you could say that D_0 and R_0 = the empty set.
  13. M

    Paradox of uniform prob. distribution on Z+ vs cardinality, etc.

    Well you asked for it, here it is. It was a good deal harder to do than I expected. It took a few wrong turns producing invalid F's (that either weren't surjective, or weren't injective) before I found a solution. Reminder: First let b be the infinite string of binary digits representing a...
  14. M

    Balls in a box shaking experiment

    You need to clarify. Do you assume that each ball is equally likely to end up on the left or the right half of the box, and that the final positions of the balls are independent (which might NOT be a reasonable assumption since if part of the box gets too crowded, it may force balls into the...