Recent content by mvk1

  1. M

    Momentum of two balls collision question

    OMG THANKS YOU SO MUCH I DID IT RIGHT ON MY TEST! PRETTY INTENSE BUT THANKS SO MUCH! i found easier to use a,b for v1' and v2' made my life a lot easier
  2. M

    Momentum of two balls collision question

    Two balls of equal mass m undergo a collision. One ball is initially stationary. After the collision, the velocities of the balls make angles of 33° and 43° relative to the original direction of motion of the moving ball. If initial speed of moving ball is 5.4 m/s find the final speed. What...
  3. M

    Gravity's Constant Near Earth's Surface: Exploring the Mystery

    ALl the books say that g is constant near the Earth's surface but how is this even possible if it is dependant on the distance from the centre of the earth? because it depends on where we are why does it stil remain constant?
  4. M

    Energy And Momentum Clarification

    because the force is spread apart more evenly, so egg does not break
  5. M

    Energy And Momentum Clarification

    well i think that the time taken for the force to get spread out on the concrete is lesser than the time taker taken for the force to spread out on the sponge, since the sponge takes logner time the egg does not break
  6. M

    Energy And Momentum Clarification

    a raw egg is dropped on concrete from a height of 4 metres it breaks, but if it is dropped on a thin sponge it does not break. Why does this happens even though they experience the same impluse?
  7. M

    Parallel Plate Electric Field: Electron Deflection and Emergence

    update: i have found the accelaration using fnet =ma since it is an electon mass is 9.1x10^-31 a=1.92x10^-17 N / 9.1x10^-31kg a=2.1x10^13m/s2 BUT isn't this impossible ebacause it can't accelarate more than the speed of light
  8. M

    Parallel Plate Electric Field: Electron Deflection and Emergence

    F=qE F=1.6x10^-19 C x 120 N/C F=1.92x10^-17 N
  9. M

    Parallel Plate Electric Field: Electron Deflection and Emergence

    and when it says the plates are 4.0 cm across does it mean each plate or total plates
  10. M

    Parallel Plate Electric Field: Electron Deflection and Emergence

    even if i calclate fe it is ont the distance of deflection..
  11. M

    Parallel Plate Electric Field: Electron Deflection and Emergence

    ive tried to comprehend this but i am failing how do i find vertical deflection because d is already given
  12. M

    Parallel Plate Electric Field: Electron Deflection and Emergence

    Parellel platers help :( An electron with a velocity of 3.00 3 106 m/s [horizontally] passes through two horizontal parallel plates. The magnitude of the electric field between the plates is 120 N/C. The plates are 4.0 cm across. Edge effects in the field are negligible. (a) Calculate the...