Recent content by mugzieee

  1. M

    Combining Summing and Difference Op Amps: Troubleshooting v_+

    so even though this is a part summer, part difference amplifier, the method we used will apply? anyway, thanks a lot for your help berkeman, this problem was giving me nightmares last night..
  2. M

    Combining Summing and Difference Op Amps: Troubleshooting v_+

    what confuses me is that why can't the current i_1= 1/2k, i_2=.25/3k, i_3=.75/5k for the currents entering v_i+? also would the current into the node with the two 4k resistors be 2/4k + 0-v_i-/4k?
  3. M

    Combining Summing and Difference Op Amps: Troubleshooting v_+

    heres another shot: ((1-v_i+)/2000) + ((.25-v_i+)/(3000)) + ((.75-v_i+)/5000)) = 0 v_i+=.7097 v_o-=v_i+ ((v_o- - .7097)/(50000)) + ((1-.7097)/(2000)) + ((2-.7097)/(4000)) + ((0-.7097)/(4000))=0 v_o-=-13.81
  4. M

    Combining Summing and Difference Op Amps: Troubleshooting v_+

    ok so from what i understand from what you said, here is what i have done: .067/2000 + 2/4000 + -2/4000 + ((2-v_o)/50000) = 1/2000 + 0.25/3000 + 0.75/5000 then i solve for v_o? does that look correct?
  5. M

    Combining Summing and Difference Op Amps: Troubleshooting v_+

    IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS: A_ol=inf R_i=inf R_o=0 i_+=0 i_-=0 v_in=v_+ - v_- v_out=A_ol(v_+ - v_-) v_+=v_- but i don't see how any of them would make this problem easier
  6. M

    Combining Summing and Difference Op Amps: Troubleshooting v_+

    the "1",".25",".75",".67", and "2" are all voltages. are you saying that i should right nodal equations for the inputs? i didnt quite understand what you meant...
  7. M

    Combining Summing and Difference Op Amps: Troubleshooting v_+

    hey guys, i have a HW problem of a combination of a summing and difference op amp. I got the first few steps of the problem, but i don't know how to continue from where i am. I am having a hard time solving for v_+. any help is greatly appreciatd, maybe if you guys can not solve the problem for...
  8. M

    Fourier transform of x(t)=u(t)-u(t-1)

    Im trying to get the Fourier transform of x(t)=u(t)-u(t-1) from what i know the FT of u(t) is pi*delta(omega)+1/jw so for the u(t-1) would we have to use the time shifting property of Fourier transforms so that it becomes pi*delta(omega)+1/jw*(exp(-jw_o)??
  9. M

    Finding Frequency of 20mH Inductor & 30 Ohm Resistor in Parallel

    im given a a 20-mH inductor and a 30 ohm resistor in parallel. Z_in is 25 degrees. and I am asked to find the frequency omega in rad/s here's what i try to do: 25=(jw.02*30)/(jw.02+30), and solve for w, but i don't get the right answer. what is it that I am doing wrong?
  10. M

    Sinusoidal Waves: Lagging & Leading - Find Angle

    Im having trouble comparing sinusoidal waves and their phases. As a sample problem I was given v_1=120cos(120*pi*t - 40deg) and i_1=2.5cos(120*pi*t +20deg) and I was asked to find the angle by which i_1 lags v_1. I have no clue on how to go through with this problem, I don't even know...
  11. M

    Thevenin Equivalent: HW Problem Solution Check

    you may be right about the load resistor lying betwen the two points. But even if i don't remove the load resistor, and use the same technique to find V_AB, then id still have the same equations because there would still be no current through the 10k resistor.
  12. M

    Thevenin Equivalent: HW Problem Solution Check

    if you look at the second circuit i have labeled the two nodes V_A and V_AB, those are the two nodes in which i am going to do nodal analysis in.
  13. M

    Thevenin Equivalent: HW Problem Solution Check

    i have an attempted solution to a HW problem, and I want to know if it is right or wrong. Could you guys please help me out. I have attached the image as a pdf
  14. M

    Solving an Electrical Problem: 79.2V Answer

    ok here's the URL of the work [img=] [img=] theres a bunch of links to the image, this is my first time using this imageshack thing...