Recent content by msailer1234

  1. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    I think I'm done using Physics Forums. As I described I'm interested in the subject and will continue learning, but this was a weird response.
  2. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    I understand the concept of approaching zero, but it doesn't seem to explain anything as to why the universe is like this because it never gets completely back to 0. Or it doesn't seem like it gives any room to even ask that question which seems like a paradox. Everything I know about...
  3. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    I would define that as a paradox.
  4. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    Thank you for your response, but I fully understand the observable universe is not all there is. I do not know what part of my post made you believe I thought that. Additionally, it seems there are some opposing views in mainstream science and the big bang. I also see how the terminology is not...
  5. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    1. Okay, I think I understand what you're saying. I found this short FAQ post that helped me understand: 2. I understand critical density is what dictates the shape. If our observable universe started from a singularity, but the full universe is...
  6. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    A finite flat universe doesn't seem to make sense to me. There would have to be edges which is a really weird thing to think about. Do you know of any articles that discuss this that you could recommend?
  7. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    I thought the main principle of the big bang was that all of space and time came from a singularity if you look back in time. After the big bang, space expanded from a point rather than matter just moving further away. This is why we have the background radiation. I also thought a finite amount...
  8. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    Is a flat or saddle shaped universe compatible with the big bang theory? It seems like that would require an infinite amount of energy which would not be possible with a finite age of the universe.
  9. M

    I Relativistic particle in non-uniform magnetic field (math)

    Hi everyone, I thought I would update you on how the project went. I apologize for taking so long to respond, but the box method did work great for an approximation. In hindsight, calculating the new magnetic field at each time step based on the particle's position would have been more efficient...
  10. M

    I Saddle and flat universe edges?

    Hi, I have become very interested in cosmology recently and I had a question about the possible shapes of the Universe. I understand the critical density plays a role in the shape. This is what I know (or think I know). At the critical density of energy and matter, the universe is flat. If it...
  11. M

    I Relativistic particle in non-uniform magnetic field (math)

    From what my code gives me, I do think having uniform magnetic fields in several boxes is the best approach for me to model this. Thank you everyone for the replies. I am still looking into it, and I am consulting some professors at my college.
  12. M

    I Relativistic particle in non-uniform magnetic field (math)

    Thank you for responding! Okay, so that looks like one of my problems. I got that equation by combining the force equations F=mv^2/r and F=qvxB. So am I correct in saying that that reasoning only works if used with the velocity being perpendicular to the B field making the equation r = mv/qB...
  13. M

    I Relativistic particle in non-uniform magnetic field (math)

    Hi everyone, I am currently working on a project in Physics analyzing the possibility of magnetic fields protecting against radiation particles such as fully ionized nuclei or electrons. I wrote a code in Matlab that simulates a 3-D magnetic field based on a combination of wires and wire loops...
  14. M

    What is the Best Forum for Physics and Math Discussions?

    Hi everyone, I am in my final semester working on a bachelors in Engineering Physics with an emphasis in Mechanics. I love physics. I am currently working on a project so I decided to make an account on this forum to get some opinions when the physics and math get too complicated.