Recent content by mryoussef2012

  1. M

    Calculus Wars: Newton vs Leibnitz

    Here is a question , do you think calculus was invented or discovered ? Who did really made the discovery Archimedes , chinese or indians ? What about this , Leibniz and Newton made it together in their time , so isn't this a sign that the idea of calculus was ripe for picking ? and many...
  2. M

    Next great mathematical invention

    I am pretty sure that natural scientists (vs math guys) would be the first to find something when facing an out-of-place phenomenon ; just as Newton and Leibniz were Multidisciplinary men of science.
  3. M

    Next great mathematical invention

    If you think about it , calculus gives us a systematic way of doing some tasks that otherwise would be as painful as guess and check , so if we revise our current methods for resolving certain problems we may get insights about a new systematic way ...
  4. M

    Next great mathematical invention

    It corresponds well with my line of thinking.
  5. M

    Next great mathematical invention

    Hi , I was thinking about this , as you know calculus was used many years before the explicit work of both Newton and Leibniz , it was used the hard way , unrecognized , scattered and buried among unrelated formulas and topics. The golden question is ; what if there is another revolutionary...
  6. M

    Convert algorithm to a formula

    Thanks mfb , that was great
  7. M

    Convert algorithm to a formula

    Hi Please can someone help me convert this algorithm to a mathematical formula ? function fun(int x) { int c = 0 ; for(int i=2;i<floor(x/2);i++) { if(floor(x/i) > i-1) for(int j=0;j<floor(x/i)-i+1;j++) c++; } return c; } thanks