Recent content by MrsNemisis

  1. M

    What Books Are You Currently Reading?

    Fiction: A Game of Thrones, which seems to be really popular right now. Non-Fiction: Hyperspace by Michio Kaku, which is really entertaining. I love all the pictures and diagrams; they do a great job at providing a visual representation of some of the more difficult to grasp (through words...
  2. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    Wow, that's like the icing on the cake :)
  3. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    Thanks for all the replies! My dad said that if I take two semesters of the Liberal Studies major with a few lower-division physics classes thrown in and I still want to do physics afterwards then he'll reconsider, but I don't know if it's worth throwing away a year. That leaves me with three...
  4. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    I think that I do have a lot of the passion, but I've been shoved toward English my entire life because that's what my grandma is into, and because my dad doesn't think that I'm very intelligent and he thinks that English is an easy degree that is more at the level he perceives me to be at than...
  5. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    The problem with that is that he pays every time I register, so he sees the classes I pick before I have the opportunity to get good grades in them.
  6. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    I told him, but he just keeps saying that he doesn't thing physics is "my thing" and that I should just give it up and do something else =(
  7. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    I had another discussion with my dad about it and he explained that he just wants me to get in and out with a bachelor's degree as quickly as possible because he doesn't think that the subject your bachelor's degree is in matters. I can see why he thinks this, because his BA is in Linguistics...
  8. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    I've always enjoyed creative writing, so he just assumes that a career in English is the best decision for me, but I hate all the literature involved (I'm a fan of genre fiction like sci-fi and urban fantasy).
  9. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    I'll definitely consider Math 250B over one of the language courses once the time comes. I wish I'd started taking more math and physics classes in community college, but I basically just took whatever my dad told me I should, which was primarily English and communications. The only upside is...
  10. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    The majority of the physics classes I listed are required for the degree, including the surveys. The seventh semester fits the required number of physics electives and fits into the sequence well. Physics 414 Physics of the Solar System (3) Physics 454 Introduction to the Solid State of Matter...
  11. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    The problem is that cutting down on language classes won't cut semesters because of the sequence required with the calculus and physics classes. I only added the language classes after I made a schedule of the degree requirements and prerequisites to fill in gaps so that each semester has at...
  12. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    The first chemistry class is a prerequisite because I didn't take it in high school, and the others are degree requirements. Pre-calc is a similar situation, but the other calculus classes are also degree requirements. None of the foreign languages are required.
  13. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    I put together a semester-by-semester list of the classes I need to take, and I added some foreign languages classes because I like to always be taking at least four classes. These meet all of the requirements, but with the necessary sequencing the best I could do was fit them into seven...
  14. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    I've read some actual physics textbooks that I checked out from the library and I did enjoy them, not only popular books. My biggest reason for deciding which physics books I read is money. Popular science books are 10-20 dollars, while textbooks can be several hundred. You have to be 24 to...
  15. M

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    My dad and I have been discussing my academic future lately, and he has said that he won't pay for me to major in physics because of the extra time it would take me. He also says that if I decide to major in physics or any field that will take me more than five semesters (from now, not from...