Recent content by MrRobot

  1. M

    How Do You Determine if an Operator is Unitary, Hermitian, or a Projector?

    Homework Statement Hi, so I have been given the following operator in terms of 3 orthonormal states |Φi> A = |Φ2><Φ2| + |Φ3><Φ3| - i|Φ1><Φ2| - |Φ1><Φ3| + i|Φ2><Φ1| - |Φ3><Φ1| So I need to determine whether A is unitary and/or Hermitian and/or a projector and then calculate the eigenvalues and...
  2. M

    Solve Campbell-Hausdorff Formula to Prove ei/h omega.L (x , p) e-i/h omega.L

    Homework Statement Hi, I am really struggling with this Campbell-Hausdorff formula. The question requires me to use it to prove ei/h omega.L (x , p) e-i/h omega.L = R(omega).(x, p) where L is the momentum operator, x and p are the position and momentum operator respectively and R(omega) is the...
  3. M

    Isomorphism between so(3) and su(2)

    Homework Statement How do I use the commutation relations of su(2) and so(3) to construct a Lie-algebra isomorphism between these two algebras? Homework Equations The commutation relations are [ta, tb] = i epsilonabc tc, the ts being the basis elements of the algebras. They basically have the...
  4. M

    QM Vector Space-Linear Functions

    Thank you very much andrewkirk this helped, It would have been very straight forward indeed to just match up the coefficients because I then did the matching after the long inner product calculation and my answers matched. I used each of the psis to take inner product with the function ##f##...
  5. M

    QM Vector Space-Linear Functions

    Homework Statement Hi, am having difficulty with the Linear algebra in QM. We have been given a problem set and one of the questions am struggling with is as follows: Consider the space of all linear functions ##f(x) = ax + b## (x real) defined over the range ## -1 < x < 1 ##, with the scalar...