Recent content by MrJones

  1. M

    Area of Surface of Revolution of ln(sec x) 0< x <(pi/6) W/A is no help here

    I tried doing just the integration and I was totally stumped, and Wolfram-Alpha has been no help at all Find the surface area obtained by rotating about the x-axis: ln(sec x) for 0 < x < (pi/6) This problem appeared on an exam I had, but all that was required was to set up the...
  2. M

    True or False Statements (Gardner)

    This is the sort of teaser that appears in a book written by Martin Gardner, and I was hoping someone could help me see my way to the answer. Of the following six statements, which are true and which are false? 1. There are no false statements in this card. 2. There is exactly one false...
  3. M

    How Many Moves to Solve the IMPACT Riddle Using Specific Rules?

    Wow... So apparently the program was not so simple. At least it doesn't appear that way... So what did it find the combination to be (1,2,1,2,2?) I'm having a hard time reading what it did
  4. M

    How Many Moves to Solve the IMPACT Riddle Using Specific Rules?

    That's fantastic... 10 moves! I finally got it approximately 2 hours ago, but it took me 21 steps. 10 steps? I have to try this.
  5. M

    Riddle of the Three Prisoners: Who Knows Their Hat Color?

    The only person who is sure, it seems, is the Emperor. The first man may have a white hat, but this allows that the second man has a black hat. Leaving the 3rd man with the possibility of having either color. Or so it seems
  6. M

    How Many Moves to Solve the IMPACT Riddle Using Specific Rules?

    Oh, well I believe it would be valuable to someone who would rather solve the puzzle in a numerical manner, but I prefer to see the letters to solve the riddle. I'm sure it's rather simple and I'm just not in the right frame of mind to solve it
  7. M

    How Many Moves to Solve the IMPACT Riddle Using Specific Rules?

    Yes. I thought about using numbers, but I didn't think it would work as well for me.
  8. M

    How Many Moves to Solve the IMPACT Riddle Using Specific Rules?

    Hello, Folks! This is my first post and I'm pretty excited about finding this web forum with so many forums dedicated to different fields of sciences, but I thought I'd start here first. I've had this riddle for approximately a week and a half, and it has completely befuddled me: "Mr. McPita...