Recent content by mritunjay

  1. M

    Quantization of electromagnetic field

    Thanks a lot for the answer and useful comments. But can somebody explain to me why E and B are not canonically conjugate variables?
  2. M

    Quantization of electromagnetic field

    Instead of quantizing the vector potential A^μ why we do not directly quantize the B and E fields in electrodynamics.
  3. M

    Calculational details of Hawking radiation

    Thank you Polyrhythmic and George Jones for the reply and references, I am looking for detailed calculations. I have some specific questions. 1. when we solve Klein-Gorden equation in Schwarzschild geometry, near scri+ and scri- we get both solutions outgoing and ingoing. how is it that...
  4. M

    Calculational details of Hawking radiation

    Can anybody help me with the original calculations of hawking radiation. I am working out the details of Hawking's original paper on black hole radiation. I am getting stuck at many places. Does anyone know about some place where the detailed calculations can be found.
  5. M

    Orientability of the Sphere: A Scientific Exploration

    Is the atlas for the sphere consisting of the stereographic projections from north and south pole is an orientable atlas.
  6. M

    Measurement problem in double slit experiment

    thanks a lot for the reply. but I have some doubts. how do you know that this will happen? is there any experimental evidence or any theoretical analysis? if whatever you are saying is correct, then it means we have to do the experiment in dark. in the presence of light, we won't get...
  7. M

    Measurement problem in double slit experiment

    In double slit experiment of electron, we see an interference pattern when we don’t know through which slit electron has passed and we don’t see an interference pattern when we know through which slit electron has passed. Now, to identify the slit through which electron has passed, we use...
  8. M

    Quantum mechanical measurement (schrodinger's cat)-

    1. Suppose in Schrodinger cat thought experiment we place a camera inside the chamber which record the events happening inside the chamber. (We are not watching inside the chamber through the camera during the period of experiment. It is just for recording purpose). After one half life of...
  9. M

    Is equivalence principal really true?

    transforming away uniform gravity field means you go to a frame in which there is no gravity i.e. you observe the first accelerating frame from an inertial frame. for transforming away gravity you don't have to stick to the accelerating frame.
  10. M

    Is equivalence principal really true?

    But, for a uniform gravity field case there exist a tranformation in which Riemann tensor becomes zero everywhere and hence manifold is flat for a uniform gravity field. (In short curvature is zero for a uniform gravity field)
  11. M

    Is equivalence principal really true?

    Is it possible to eliminate Gravity completely even locally as equivalence principal says? I think this is not possible,since in a curved spacetime, Riemann tensor cann't be made zero in any frame. Then in what sense equivalence principal(which says that for a freely falling observer in a...
  12. M

    Coriolis forse and cylindrical co-ordinates

    Pseudo forses arising in a frame are defined as the negative of mass times acceleration of the frame used. now in cylindrical coordinate system if we compute acceleration, we should be able to know completely the corilis and centripetel forses. However my problem is I don't understand...
  13. M

    Mathematica vs Fortron for Physics: Necessary to Know C++?

    For physics purposes, is it necessary to learn fortron or C++ if one knows mathematica well enough?
  14. M

    Why Does lnZ Not Represent an Isolated Singularity?

    why lnZ is not isolated singularity?
  15. M

    EPR Paradox: Examining Einstein's Challenge to QM

    was original EPR paper (as written by Einstein) contradicted uncertainty principal or was it against the copenhegon interpretation of QM? please tell me any website where original EPR paradox is discussed.