Recent content by Mosaness

  1. M

    Electrical Engineering - Increasing the Time an Alarm will Buzz

    Well I just went on the way I know a few people did. And that seems to be giving me an appropriate time...
  2. M

    Electrical Engineering - Increasing the Time an Alarm will Buzz

    I did a calculation earlier but I slightly messed up. I obtained Vthevenin by the equation 18V * 80/180 --> which gave me 8V. I then set that so: 8V = 18V*e^-6/tau and solved for tau, which gave me tau = 7.3989 Using that tau I solved for C, which gave me C = .0166 F
  3. M

    Electrical Engineering - Increasing the Time an Alarm will Buzz

    Oh...the class I am taking is a basic class. I've never even heard of a NPN transistor. I made a PSPICE design. The switch was connected right next to the 100Ω.
  4. M

    Electrical Engineering - Increasing the Time an Alarm will Buzz

    The buzzer has a resistance of 400 ohms so that's what was used. It is turned on when someone opens the window.
  5. M

    Electrical Engineering - Increasing the Time an Alarm will Buzz

    Homework Statement The problem is to create a small alarm that will buzz approximately 6 seconds before it stops buzzing. I managed to create a working alarm, only problem is mines will buzz for around 1.5 seconds not six. Homework Equations τ = RC V = V0e-t/τ The Attempt at a...
  6. M

    Creating a small alarm using a capacitor, resistors etc

    Basically it is a small alarm that one would put around a room that has only a window. When someone opens this window, the alarm starts going off. My design prior to the capacitor was of a piezoelectric buzzer (400 ohms) in parallel with a 100 ohm wire, which was in turn in series with a 200 1...
  7. M

    Creating a small alarm using a capacitor, resistors etc

    1. The goal is to create a small alarm that goes off for exactly 6 seconds before turning off. The materials allowed are 1000 1 ohm resistors, wire, a box of rechargeable 1.5 V triple A batteries (12 count) and a piezoelectric buzzer. 2. Ohms Law. Power = V2/R 3. I have a design...
  8. M

    How Can You Alter the Voltage Across a Buzzer to Interrupt a 'Safe Circuit'?

    I'm sorry if this isn't glaringly obvious to me...circuits isn't my strongest suit. I'm doing good in all courses (As and Bs) except this. I'd like to develop more on the idea of having a circuit around the widow connected to a small safe circuit.
  9. M

    How Can You Alter the Voltage Across a Buzzer to Interrupt a 'Safe Circuit'?

    I see what you're saying! Being that the window is a switch itself, when said switch is closed electricity will flow without Interruption. However a disruption will cause an alarm to sound. I'm not sure how to put it in electrical components is what in stuck on I suppose
  10. M

    How Can You Alter the Voltage Across a Buzzer to Interrupt a 'Safe Circuit'?

    I would use a switch but that's something we're not allowed to use. No switches or anything of that sort...
  11. M

    How Can You Alter the Voltage Across a Buzzer to Interrupt a 'Safe Circuit'?

    Actually come to think of it. Putting a loop AROUND the widow won't do anything. If anything the loop should be put around the glass so that when the window is closed it's kind of shorting the circuit. The moment I lift the widow if should allow voltage to flow.
  12. M

    How Can You Alter the Voltage Across a Buzzer to Interrupt a 'Safe Circuit'?

    Perhaps the loop around the window can be connected Tina smaller loop that us attached to the window itself?
  13. M

    How Can You Alter the Voltage Across a Buzzer to Interrupt a 'Safe Circuit'?

    I was thinking it would act as a small circuit of a sorts. But I've been questioning it as it seems off.
  14. M

    How Can You Alter the Voltage Across a Buzzer to Interrupt a 'Safe Circuit'?

    I'm somewhat lost as to HOW to make it. My thinking was to use the 100 ohm wire to surround the window. The buzzer would be parallel to one side of the window and the voltage source will be parallel to another side of the window. There will be resistors in series in between the wire connecting...