Recent content by Mollet1955

  1. M

    Proving the Uniqueness of the Sum of 3 Primes

    If so, I think I can't go on solvin this problme Clearly a simple sum repeated day after day, trying to complicate the main porblme :smile:
  2. M

    Why Do People Hate Football?

    beautiful English verse
  3. M

    Was he such a bad guy, or even bad at all ?

    He is the queen's lover
  4. M

    Did Bush's Motivation Help the US Team Against the Czechs?

    no deny, US' number 17 in his yellow shoes is a super 'runner'
  5. M

    Why Do People Hate Football?

    people posting in this thread are only women or guyZ rarely see a man who says he hates football which is clearly containing a part of his
  6. M

    Help! Struggling to Decide between Engineering & Physics Masters

    if that's a decison, i support u too you got the boint
  7. M

    Navigating Business Worlds: Struggles of Scientists & Engineers

    how u knowit a lie ? theres no lie in society, everyone is trueful what did u decide to do then, after relizing they were lying ? that's more important
  8. M

    Programs Is Age a Barrier for Pursuing a PhD in Physics?

    Jon Ruba, oh that sonds not bad, tell me somthng abuot ur area. Iam living in Macau, nice to know u know my name :rolleyes:
  9. M

    Proving the Uniqueness of the Sum of 3 Primes

    Oh I stated probme incorectly, let x,y,z be primes, m=x+y+z Can u find other three primes that can sum to get m ? m can be any number.
  10. M

    Proving the Uniqueness of the Sum of 3 Primes

    if u have 3 primes: x,y,z then prove its sum m=x+y+z is unique ? Thank you
  11. M

    Which Physics Papers should I do?

    Try writing all 3 the quality might not be as good as when only 1, but i always believe it gives only benefits in a long run,
  12. M

    Schools Participating IPhO-but going college two years late.

    I had a similar problem to yours, I've graduated from high schools for years though. I was actually a student of social sciences and humanities, specializing in literature, I studied for 1 year, then passed 2 other exams for economics and natural sciences specializing in..."math" the following...