Recent content by molian

  1. M

    Mass Spectrometry: Determining Unknown Radiation Properties

    Which type of mass spectrometry is suitable to analyse the properties of an unknown radiation?
  2. M

    Medical Is CCSVI the Key to Treating Multiple Sclerosis?

    Is there any other way? Is it possible to pull out and remove the iron with high magnetic field? Any new idea?
  3. M

    Medical Can Turritopsis nutricula really live forever?

    Thank you for your good info. Of course Turritopsis nutricula may revert back and recycle. Hope humans won't be back to womb and born again! Good pics Here.
  4. M

    Medical Can Turritopsis nutricula really live forever?

    Of course there may or may not be a casual relation. Increased sexual activity may be a by product of good health, education,beauty etc. I do agree. Sex and health are like two sides of coin. Now there is no direct research study (I think so) to state that sex is a cause of good health and...
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    Medical Can Turritopsis nutricula really live forever?

    Whether or not the genes for such a purpose are present, living forever probably even possible. Near death experiences and out of body experiences may probably gives us clue. But no one likes to leave the genes and live like a ghost. Cardiovascular disorders are commonest causes of death...
  6. M

    Medical Will highmagnetic field pull out nano magnetite particles from the brain?

    Thanks for your reply. As you said they do not deal with the magnetic forces on nano particles. The first article confirms the presence of iron in the brain. The second article is interesting and dealing with high magnetic field. They have no relationship with my idea. The idea is my own...
  7. M

    Medical Can Turritopsis nutricula really live forever?

    Increased heterosexual behavior is linked with life longevity and health. Reduced heterosexual behavior is linked with death and diseases. I think Increased heterosexual behavior probably manipulate the genes to cause life longevity...
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    Medical Will highmagnetic field pull out nano magnetite particles from the brain?

    Nano magnetite particles are found in the brain. They are associated with schizophrenia, parkinson's disease, aging and etc. Imagine that we are able to make a huge NMR machine and place a live human being in the bore to cause levitation. The diamagnetic particles will orient against the...