Recent content by MojoMcGunner

  1. M

    Medical Question About Asperger Syndrome

    Asperger's is a disease? That's news to me.
  2. M

    What proportion of physicists are autistic?

    I just wondered. I'm applying to study physics at university next year and I was speaking to someone who has just started her PhD. I asked if it would matter at all that I have Asperger's (I have a couple of issue in certain situations but I'm pretty socially functional) and she sad that I...
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    Science Humor: A Wide Selection

    Entropy. It's not what is used to be.
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    Physics What are my chances of getting a job in actual physics research?

    I hadn't really considered that, I'm not going to pretend that I know the ins and outs of the thousands of possible jobs I could get because I obviously don't, it's just that my real love is firstly particle physics, and also all kinds of mechanics, which I just can't see fitting into a setting...
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    Physics What are my chances of getting a job in actual physics research?

    I'm looking at universities to go to next September. I'm still quite torn between theoretical physics and particle physics. In an absolutely ideal world, my plan is to do my masters, then a PhD and my dream job would be a university professor, or at least working in physics research. I know...
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    Math Does becoming a scientist require you to love math?

    No, as long as you understand and appreciate maths I don't think there's a need for you to be particularly passionate about it. I personally do enjoy maths very much, which is helpful because I like to play with equations which sometimes leads to simplifications, or to me noticing interesting...
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    Schools How much notice should I take of the University Rankings?

    Thanks for the great advice everyone, I'll look into getting a more detailed syllabus for the places I'm considering more strongly. My plan was to get it down to a couple of ones that all seem equally good then have my first choice option as whichever of those ranked highest, but I'm not sure...
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    Schools How much notice should I take of the University Rankings?

    I'm applying to do particle physics next year, with the hope of eventually getting a PhD, although I have been told that if I do theoretical physics it won't really matter because they're very similar and I can still do a PhD in particle (I know someone starting her PhD in particle with a...
  9. M

    How can I find reliable sources of information on the LHC and its experiments?

    Sorry for the Higgs typo. The reason I wanted to do matter/antimatter is because then I can do a whole things about the LHCb. I basically chose the topics based on the CERN website and the websites for the individual detectors. I don't think it really matters that the LHC didn't discover them...
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    Physics How did you get interested in physics

    I have loved maths for as long as I can remember (my brother four years older than me paid me to do his maths homework for him) and I originally liked physics because it seemed like "maths with an actual point" because much as I liked pure equations, they didn't really mean anything. The point...
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    How can I find reliable sources of information on the LHC and its experiments?

    I'm sorry that this is probably in the wrong place, but I couldn't find a place to post where I am allowed to start threads which was relevant. I'm hopefully starting a degree in particle physics next year, I'm currently in my last year of high school. Myself and one other student at my...
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    Engineering Women in Engineering and Computer Science

    Wow, I've just read this thread and it's sort of terrified me... I'm 18, female and currently applying to do a masters in Particle Physics. I had assumed there was some kind of discrimination (there are very few places where there aren't a couple of idiots who don't want to work with...
  13. M

    Is String Theory worth the resources it's taking?

    Now obviously String Theory has been responsible for some valuable research, and even if the theory were completely disproven (although I don't see how; my understanding is that it is still too vague in it's predictions and descriptions to be proven or disproven conclusively). But String Theory...