Recent content by mohdhm

  1. M

    Striling Engine (manufacturing project) ideas welcome

    hey guys, We have a design project where we are supposed to design something cool to machine and later auction it off. My group has already come up with a plan to build a small stirling engine. I've been thinking if there could be anything we can add on to it, like a useful/fun addon...
  2. M

    Any good book that can teach System Dynamics? (details inside)

    Thanks emiltr, the books seem pretty good. though the second link seems pretty scary. It is more like a proofy high level math course rather than an engineering course with applications. I've looked through the table of contents and there is nothing that strikes me as familiar . Let's see.. we...
  3. M

    Any good book that can teach System Dynamics? (details inside)

    Hey guys, I need a book that can teach me system dynamics, here is what they teach in the course: Linear time invariant system, impulse response function, operator, convolution, system characterization, solution of linear ordinary differential equations, Laplace transform and its...
  4. M

    Stats - Continious random distribution (PDF)

    DH you are absolutely wrong, there is no way that integral with bounds of negative infinity to positive infinity, can work out. The whole thing just blows up when i get to the logs part. i get a negative value when converting bases, and the whole thing turns into a mess. So what's up guys, can...
  5. M

    Stats - Continious random distribution (PDF)

    lol... yeah i did treat K as a constant. Well i can give this integral yet another go, might post my work too since i haven't done integrals for a while
  6. M

    Stats - Continious random distribution (PDF)

    to dirk_mec1: it is the 2nd function you listed, sorry for not being clear. tiny-tim: well k=0 works for all positive values of x and satisfies the first equation. So i guess I'm Sure. also, any positive number k will yield a positive answer which also satisfies the equation. but i have...
  7. M

    Stats - Continious random distribution (PDF)

    Homework Statement A function f( x ) had the following form : f ( x) = kx^-(k+1) where 1 < x < infinity a) for what values of k is f a pdf ? Homework Equations See attachments (the theorem is included) The Attempt at a Solution started out by using the first equation in the...
  8. M

    How can I prove that f + g is convex?

    hey everyone: Use a definition to work forward from each of the following statements. b. for functions f anf g the function f + g is convex, where f + g is the function whoes value at any point x is f(x) + g(x). Definition of a convex function...
  9. M

    Finding the rank of a projection of u onto v ?

    the answer is rank = 1 and nullity = 2 for your question
  10. M

    Finding the rank of a projection of u onto v ?

    wait answered th wrong question
  11. M

    Finding the rank of a projection of u onto v ?

    one last question mate, why do you use the standard basis in this case?
  12. M

    Finding the rank of a projection of u onto v ?

    i'm sorry mate, u and v are vectors. (and u1 is the x component of u, and u2 is the y component of u, etc.) and the question was supposed to be: find the rank and nullity of linear transformation T(u) = ProjvU where v is (1,5). i just assumed that u = < u1, u2>... how do we get a matrix out of...
  13. M

    Proving that the solution of Ax=0 is a vector space

    how can you show that when you are not given u or v, unless its super simple and just happens to be worth a lot of marks.