Recent content by Mohan Nivas

  1. Mohan Nivas

    How Do Black Holes Acquire More Mass Than Other Objects?

    oh... I had heard that they can eat stars how it happen...?
  2. Mohan Nivas

    How Do Black Holes Acquire More Mass Than Other Objects?

    Then how black hole attracts light while stars don't...? Stars only can bend the light rays but black hole attracts the light.. I am getting confused can you clear it..?
  3. Mohan Nivas

    How Do Black Holes Acquire More Mass Than Other Objects?

    Oh... So their mass is not much but have stronger gravitational pull than stars having same mass isn't it...?
  4. Mohan Nivas

    How Do Black Holes Acquire More Mass Than Other Objects?

    Are u saying they don't have mass...?
  5. Mohan Nivas

    Space-Time Singularity: What, How, and Is It Possible?

    Hmmm... Sure I will.. I will back if I have any doubts...
  6. Mohan Nivas

    Space-Time Singularity: What, How, and Is It Possible?

    How the space and time meet..? Time is not a physical quantity na...? Time is just a measure of interval between occurring event.. Then how it meets with space...?
  7. Mohan Nivas

    How Do Black Holes Acquire More Mass Than Other Objects?

    How the black hole acquire greater mass than any other objects in the universe...?
  8. Mohan Nivas

    Space-Time Singularity: What, How, and Is It Possible?

    What is space-time singularity? How it formed...? Is singularity possible..?
  9. Mohan Nivas

    Understanding the Sun's Role in Warming the Earth

    Actually photons r amazing and mysterious thing... Which acts like both wave and particle...
  10. Mohan Nivas

    Understanding the Sun's Role in Warming the Earth

    U r absolutely rit I think.
  11. Mohan Nivas

    Understanding the Sun's Role in Warming the Earth

    Hmm... But I heard that EM are due to photons...! Is it wrong...?
  12. Mohan Nivas

    Understanding the Sun's Role in Warming the Earth

    Bro, infrared is an electromagnetic wave which is due to the photons... infrared is the cause for heat.. Not only the infrared, ultraviolet can also produce heat.. That's why I had said photons are cause for the heat which are the basic constituents of all electromagnetic radiations... Is there...
  13. Mohan Nivas

    Understanding the Sun's Role in Warming the Earth

    The photons not only collide with atmospheric molecules it also collides with the surface... In atmosphere the photons are free to move so most of the photons reaches the surface... Hence it collides more in surface and produce more heat in surface... Thus the most of radiation reaches the...