Recent content by Mixolydian

  1. M

    Exploring Time Inside the Earth: A Comparison of Time at Different Depths

    Time is not real, it is a series of moments. 1 second would still have the same duration in the center of the Earth as the surface of the earth. This clock you guys speak of must be theoretical, or digital. Why can't we assume that clocks appear to move faster or slower based on the unfavorable...
  2. M

    Scientists claims light speed barrier broken

    Okay, why do people assume that if something travels faster than the speed of light that it arrives at its destination instantly OR EVEN that it arrives before it left in the first place? In the universe Light is slow compared to the distance it must travel, that is why we refer to "10 billion...
  3. M

    Black Holes & White Holes: Exploring Possibilities

    Time is a concept. It is a unit for measuring distance over an equal meausrment of a moment. Time is just moment to moment progressions from distance to distance. Time does not slow down or speed up in a black hole, the only reason you might see someone fall into a black hole slower or faster is...
  4. M

    The Nature of Energy: A Philosophical Perspective

    Energy can hold information, as light is a form of energy, and with fiber optics we get information to travel with light at its speed to us quickly.
  5. M

    How can someone achieve invisibility?

    One way, I guess.. is just make a suit that obsorbs all light. You wouldn't apear invisible you would be completely black, like a shadow figure I guess it would only work well at night seeing as anyone would only be able to see someone outside in the dark with moon light but the suit would...
  6. M

    Is Slow Travel Through Earth's Atmosphere Possible?

    If you find a way to acctually travel (defining gravity of course) slowly like 20 MPH as you enter the Earth's atmosphere from space would you burn up? Is burning up just an effect because of the speed ships are coming in? Or, even if you were traveling at 10 MPH through the atmosphere would the...
  7. M

    Escape Velocity: How Does It Affect Objects of Different Masses?

    Thank you tide that was very helpful giving the little information I gave you thought about it in the right way. You answered my question thnx.
  8. M

    Escape Velocity: How Does It Affect Objects of Different Masses?

    Then why do Space shuttles leaving Earth have to travel at 25,000 MPH to leave earth? Everytime a read about that it says they have to travel that fast to escape Earth's gravity because that is the escape velocity... i don't understand And I was wondering Do you have to travel faster and fast...
  9. M

    Escape Velocity: How Does It Affect Objects of Different Masses?

    I keep reading that escape velocity from the Earth is about 7 miles per second or 25,000 miles an hour... I know escape velocity is determined by the size of the object with the gravitational pull (earth) and how far away you are from the center. What I can't seem to understand is how 2 objects...