Recent content by MissSilvy

  1. M

    Personal writing/math conventions when doing physics/math calculations?

    I believe this post is allowed here, but if it belongs elsewhere I apologize. I am now almost at the end of my undergraduate degree and looking back over my old work and old calculations from semesters prior made me realize that I have absolutely no consistent conventions when doing physics...
  2. M

    Sources for Crystal Models (FCC, BCC, etc)?

    I have been acquiring some nice molecular models of graphene, buckyballs, and things like the model below. One thing I have not been able to find are crystal models with the different orientations like face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic...
  3. M

    Advice on Undergraduate Education.

    You almost never pay a cent for graduate school in physics. You are a teaching assistant (teach undergraduate discussion sections or hold lab classes) or a research assistant, and they waive your tuition and provide a small living stipend. So your fears about paying for physics grad school are...
  4. M

    Programs Want to quit job to do a full time ms and phd in medical physics

    Nope. You lack motivation, are bored by research and 'technical aspects of things' and you dropped out of grad school three separate times. You will go into this, accrue a ton of debt, and then quit again. You don't even seem to know WHAT a medical physicist does. Do what you want but when you...
  5. M

    Drinking a Glass of Wine While Studying

    See, this is why sciences like biology make me incredibly angry soemtimes. Red wine is a cotentious issue in terms of its health benefits. When you see a study that says 'red wine reduces cancer' it doesn't mean that they gave wine to a test groups and followed their progress, in most cases...
  6. M

    Pursuing My Dream: A Physics Major Decision

    Seriously? That's like telling someone who wants to transfer into an English department to get cracking on memorizing the dictionary. Plus, I am fairly certain that if you put something that retarded on your statement of purpose, the admissions committee would laugh their faces off.
  7. M

    Programs Potential physics Major-consfused

    If you hate physics and do not want to major in it, you will have a VERY hard time becoming a medical physicist. Even if you decided to do engineering physics or physical chemistry, they are still, at their core, physics-based. So saying you want to do medical physics but you hate physics is...
  8. M

    Schools Worried about my GPA in high school, .

    I got into UIUC for physics without a single high school physics class and my highest math being advanced algebra. Very good GPA though. However, I am a minority in physics and also an in-state student. If you are a white male from out of state, they will be harder on you in admissions. However...
  9. M

    Part-Time Physicist: Can I Work Full-Time and Pursue a Physics Degree?

    Of course you can learn physics in your spare time and get a degree in it and such, but there is absolutely no such thing as a 'part time physicist' anymore than there is something like a 'part time doctor'. It's a career. You cannot do physics research of any appreciable quality without having...
  10. M

    Schools Help me find my M.D university

    I think he meant Master's degree, And no. You can apply, of course, but I am skeptical. That's a very average percentage if memory serves me right and you will already have trouble finding a spot because it is a non-US university. Little-known university abroad, combined with average marks...
  11. M

    Best comprehensive Reference Book for Pure Math?

    Nuts, I was really curious to see Carr's book and I can't seem to find it on sale anywhere except India (and even that's out of stock). Did this book get reprinted under a different title or is it simply not sold anymore?
  12. M

    Schools Our College Feautre has been killed, how to revive it?

    Your college 'feautre'? College feature? I read this thinking some unknown forum subsection had been killed off at first. Anyhow, you are responsible for your education. And also, having to take a precalculus test or class (which I am assuming you mean by 'see calculus again') is like the...
  13. M

    What does your Christmas Tree look like?

    Excellent! I would love to see this :)
  14. M

    Programs Can a biology major enter a bioengineering grad program?

    Depends on the school and program. The problem is that you basically lack half the field. It is easier for some engineering majors to pick up the relevant bio than it for bio majors to pick up the necessary engineering. I would advise you to take a look at other schools' bioengineering major...
  15. M

    What does your Christmas Tree look like?

    I was toying with the idea of making a nerdy Christmas tree. I have a few organic chem modeling sets, glass replicas of the planets which are juuust about ornament size, and Shrinky Dinks. I think I can make a kickass tree out of this, since I failed to bring any ornaments back with the tree, haha.