Recent content by Mirin

  1. M

    Acquiring Data from a Digital Thermometer

    I wasn't aware such gadgets were so cheap. Thank you for the input(s)!
  2. M

    Acquiring Data from a Digital Thermometer

    Let me preface this by saying that I know very little of circuitry, signals, etc. I have also Googled/searched the forum for help using keywords that are related to this project but also vague enough that I could not find any useful results. I have a friend interested in how the temperature...
  3. M

    Is Our Fear of Radiation Based on Sound Science?

    He explained, but still destroyed hormesis in my impressionable sophomore mind (lol). Looking back, I have the same feelings about it that you do.
  4. M

    Fermentation kinetics info resources?

    Thank you, if I don't get any more bites here I will move the post to that thread
  5. M

    Is Our Fear of Radiation Based on Sound Science?

    I thought about incorporating radiation hormesis into a class project when I was a sophomore. When I asked one of my nuclear engineering professors about the idea, he admonished me and vehemently proclaimed that "radiation hormesis is... it's... it's [freaking bullcrap]!" The above...
  6. M

    Fermentation kinetics info resources?

    Howdy all, Recently I have dabbled in homebrewing mead and it turned out... drinkable at best. I am making another batch soon and want to improve my methods. I am a nuclear engineering student, so naturally I feel that something as personal, liberating, and chemically miraculous as...
  7. M

    Medical Photons vs. Protons in Radiotherapy - Why photons?

    Interesting, I didn't consider scatter effects. Thanks for the reply. I guess I could have found the info easily enough had I Googled a little more intelligently :p
  8. M

    Medical Photons vs. Protons in Radiotherapy - Why photons?

    Something has been bugging me ever since I learned about Bragg's peak (and how it compares to x-ray attenuation) a few years ago... I understand there are probably advantages that photon therapy has over proton therapy, but what are they? Cost? Feasibility? Probably a dumb question, but...
  9. M

    Physics Medical Physics VS Medical Dosimetry

    I'm wondering the same thing as the OP, and this pretty much answers my question. Is medical dosimetry a good field from which work up towards medical physics? For example, if you obtained a master's in health/medical physics and started working as a dosimetrist, would you be eligible to later...
  10. M

    Which is the correct answer for 48÷2(9+3): 2 or 288?

    U aware OP? My vote goes to 288
  11. M

    Job opportunities with a Physics Masters

    I'm a junior undergraduate health physics major/ nuclear engineering minor and am currently looking for a job. I am interested in working at a cyclotron that makes positron emitters for hospitals. What kind of credentials do cyclotron institutes look for in employees? Is there any room for...
  12. M

    Gamma - when is pair production dominant

    While pair production is possible for photon energies of 1.022 MeV or higher, it is not usually dominant until the incident photon energy is, very generally, about 5 MeV. The incident photon energy which dominantly results in pair production depends on the element/medium being considered. Here...