Recent content by Mina Farag

  1. Mina Farag

    Applying the implicit function theorem to a system of equations

    Yes, this is quite accurate. In order for a function y(x) in F(x,y(x))=0 to exist, we must be able to find its derivative and hence there exists a nonvertical tangent line near points where that is possible. For a system of equations that implies we can find the partial derivatives, which do...
  2. Mina Farag

    Applying the implicit function theorem to a system of equations

    My attempt: According to the implicit function theorem as long as the determinant of the jacobian given by ∂(F,G)/∂(y,z) is not equal to 0, the parametrization is possible. ∂(F,G)/∂(y,z)=4yzMeaning that all points where z and y are not equal to 0 are possible parametrizations. My friend's...