Recent content by Milpool

  1. M

    Studying Career in Physics? Advice for Student Pursuing a Physics Degree

    Adding to this, It's all well and good having your plans, and I commend for having such a clear idea of what you want from your future, but it won't work out that way! As for GCSE/A levels, I was basically the opposite, my GCSE's were pretty average at best, think I have 1 A*, maybe 4 or so...
  2. M

    Admissions (UK) Where to apply for theoretical PhD programs in Physics?

    Thanks for the long response! Firstly I have learned that the forum is a lot more US oriented, as I spent a good few hours reading through older threads in the hope to find some relevant information without a huge amount of success. I am aware of applying to groups rather than the universities...
  3. M

    Admissions (UK) Where to apply for theoretical PhD programs in Physics?

    Sorry, my degree was an MPhys, somehow completely forgot to mention that in my original post, my bad! The thing is I've sort of heard conflicting reports to be honest, a PhD student once told me basically a first is a first, the exact grade shouldn't matter too much, then a professor I spoke to...
  4. M

    Admissions (UK) Where to apply for theoretical PhD programs in Physics?

    Good call, although I do worry Durham is one of those 'too good' places near the Oxbridge level, I know they have some areas which interest me though, thanks!
  5. M

    Admissions (UK) Where to apply for theoretical PhD programs in Physics?

    Thanks for the reply. I am aware I will need to apply widely due to the competitive nature of the areas I am looking at. As for the grading, in the UK the highest grade classification is a first class which is 70%+, so, at the risk of over valuing myself, 78% is a fairly strong performance...
  6. M

    Admissions (UK) Where to apply for theoretical PhD programs in Physics?

    Firstly I'd like to apologise as I know this is a pretty common topic to post questions on! Basically I recently graduated with a first class (72% average) from the University of Southampton (Russell group, but obviously not Oxbridge level) and am planning to spend a year out applying to PhD's...
  7. M

    Python, solving Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta

    Thanks, checking those examples out now. Yeah sorry I didn't make this clear in my explanation, for the time being I was simply trying to get something together that returns u(0) for a single guess value of E. After which I will be using the fmin function to minimise this so that u(0)->0, and...
  8. M

    Python, solving Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta

    My equation is $$\frac{d^2 u}{d x^2} - \left[ \epsilon + \frac{l(l+1)}{x^2} - V(x) \right] u = 0 \ \ (V(x) = x)$$ Where I am trying to eventually recover values of epsilon. The library program has been edited to (hopefully) solve this in my code above. The library program I used was solving...
  9. M

    Python, solving Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta

    Homework Statement I'm currently working on a project in which I have to solve the energy eigenvalues of the Schrodinger equation to compute the mass of certain Mesons. We've been taught very little programming (so apologies that my understanding is very basic), and are therefore given any...