Recent content by Miles

  1. M

    What Bumper Sticker Best Represents You?

    I try :blushing:
  2. M

    What Bumper Sticker Best Represents You?

    For anyone that is wondering what it means your in luck. I have a brother who is very good at math so I had him figure it out :smile: the whole thing equals 69.
  3. M

    For sale: One slightly banged up torture/mental retardationing device

    I have one to and it toke me a while to master it but i got it down. Its pretty cool and on there site they have something that you can put under the whole thing and its supposed to make the top spin forever. Something to do with magnetic torque or what not. Heres a site with more info...
  4. M

    Worst Chat Up Lines: What Are Yours?

    Here some from a Weird Al song: -I don't have a library card but do you mind if I chaeck you out -I like your skeletal structure baby, you're an ectomorph no doubt -I wise i was cross-eyed girl so i could see you twice -You smell like fritos, that's why I am giving you this hungry stare...
  5. M

    Making an Important Life Decision in Central Florida

    Yea that was me. I dint make up the story ether I saw it on a other forum that I go to and thought I would share it with you guys. :-p
  6. M

    Making an Important Life Decision in Central Florida

    Hello everyone, Don't ask why I came here, but I need help from some one, anyone. I live in Central Florida, have a six-figure income, a beautiful wife, and a great little girl. I give my wife everything she needs and I love her to death, but I have a serious problem. Lately, there have been...
  7. M

    Finest Grade of Digital Crack ever created by man

    HI My names Miles' and I have a problem :blushing: :smile: :smile: Being a long time fan of Blizzard games I've been following this game since they annouced it. I am in a clan that's going to be Horde on a PvP server once retail comes out in 15 more days 17 hours and 43 minutes. :smile:
  8. M

    Should You Attend a Party Hosted by a Drunk Friend?

    I hope that you don't have a hangover if you have to work on Friday. :frown:
  9. M

    What are some must-read threads in PF's General Discussion?

    I would still like to know how that carpet thing turned out Tribdog
  10. M

    Come on PFers, I need your shoe size

    Im 19 so I don't know if I got very much more growing up to do :smile:
  11. M

    Come on PFers, I need your shoe size

    I dint catch how tall you are but I am righ up there at 6' 6'' with size 14 shoes.
  12. M

    Have you ever saved a life? Give blood.

    I've been giving blood every 8 weeks since I turned 16. I don't know about other countrys or states but in California you can donate at age 16 with parents consent. It doesn't take that long and after wards, like someone metioned, you get cookies and juice. :smile:
  13. M

    Any specific signatures you fancy or detest ?

    I uselly pick funny things that I've heard. I have a couple that I use on differnt forums: Your born wet, hungry, and naked, then things get worse. Smile it confuses people :smile: A new servay shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population.
  14. M

    Come on PFers, I need your shoe size

    Male age 19 size 14
  15. M

    Want a GMail invite? Limited offer: Get one now!

    if there's still one left i'dd appreciate it. :smile: