Recent content by Milentije

  1. M

    Research Proposal for Postdoc in Geophysics: Tips & Guidelines

    I want to apply for postdoc(Europe),so I need to write a research plan.I do not know how much should I go into details.The subject is geophysics,also it will be different from what I have done for my PhD.Should I cite the people from Stanford for example.Like Mavko shows this ,I am going to...
  2. M

    Why Does My Matrix Vector Multiplication in FORTRAN Not Work as Expected?

    I have a problem with something that should be very simple,I do not no if it is programming issue or my ignorance. If I have matrix c(5,5) 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 2 and vector b(1,2,3,4,5) c*b=a a=(3,5,8,24,14) FORTRAN MATMUL C=MATMUL(B,A) Correct?
  3. M

    What is the next step after LU decomposition for solving Ax=b?

    Yes,I am creating input file where velocities need to be calculated for every node.Total number of velocities in model is 1484,quite big. Regarding software,I have problem to install SUPER Lu from LBNL,are there any links for simple code that to not require libraries(like BLAS( IN THIS CASE?
  4. M

    What is the next step after LU decomposition for solving Ax=b?

    I have Ax=b problem where A 1484x1484 matrix,b 1484x1. A is sparse(95% zeros) but if I go for LU decomposition what should be the next step? Or is there any other method,I forgot algebra,learned it when I was undergrad long time ago.
  5. M

    Choosing right statistics,regression method

    I have a crooked line of data points,want to project data on the straight line.If I go standard least-square method,some of the points change their position to each other,this is not want I a want.Anyone has idea about regresion methods or some other statistics,except classical y=bx+c.
  6. M

    Linux Graphics Software: Color Rectangular Cells Freely

    Thanks,but I prefer something more maths related,like I give input data and get image.
  7. M

    Linux Graphics Software: Color Rectangular Cells Freely

    I have problem like this:recetengular cells,each of the cells should be colored.I have tried with NCL-NcCAR but it is too complicated to write script for me and I do not want to waste time.Can anyone tell me about free software?
  8. M

    Derivative of Finite Sums: Solve Your Problem Here

    Ok,I need to put this. dik=Vi-Xk and represents Eucleadean norm Derivative with respect to Vi.
  9. M

    Derivative of Finite Sums: Solve Your Problem Here

    I have problem like attached.
  10. M

    What Other Iterative Methods Can Be Used If A is Not Positive Definite?

    I am dealing with a problem,which can be formulated Ax=B,in the first place I wanted to solve it with conjugate gradient method.BUt A is not positive definite.Which are the other iterative options in this case?
  11. M

    Compiling F77 vs ifort FC: Troubleshooting Nray

    FC= ifort LD = ifort -align all FCFLAGS = -O2 -g -ipo -traceback -warn noalign LDFLAGS = $(FCFLAGS) # Executables nray: main.o findnode.o plots.o segmnt.o empty.o aldone.o erase.o pcolor.o box.o plot.o axtick.o axis.o line.o pltsrcbox.o find.o dot.o grad.o intersect.o straight.o...
  12. M

    Fortran Fortran Forum for Programming Help: Resources, Tips, and Support

    It calculates arrays apr1dsens and apr2dsens over 2 loops,I do not how to define as1 and as2.This way It gives stupid results on the output.
  13. M

    Fortran Fortran Forum for Programming Help: Resources, Tips, and Support

    Hi I have problems with passing arrays from module to the main code.My module: module s2em contains c --------------------------- subroutine sensd2emod_mod1(iper,as1,as2) c --------------------------- c Sensitivities of the E-mode impedances with respect to...
  14. M

    Fortran How to solve iteration issues in FORTRAN 90 and allocate values for later use?

    I have problems with my code.As a result of calculation I got rank2 l(21,1) array.Due to the THE ITERATIVE PROCESS I will get the same array in every iteration.How to allocate values and use them later.Should I create new array like do iter=1,n lbig(iter,nmax,1)=l(nmax,1)?
  15. M

    Fortran How can I store values for every iteration in FORTRAN 90 using arrays?

    do i=1,iter l(nc)=l(nc,iter) end do I tried the above but it doesn't work.l is vector dimension 21,every iteration gives me l.I do not know the number of iterations.How to store l for every iteration?