Recent content by Milan Nikolic

  1. Milan Nikolic

    Cosmology as quantum, ie. M-theory

    I wonder, whether cosmology come to an end as quantum, ie. M-theory?
  2. Milan Nikolic

    Why doesn't light move at an infinite speed?

    If the expansion of the universe overcome the speed of light for a given photon, then what happens to the photon? I guess it's still difficult to answer this question, but I think that may already give some assumptions. The answer may lie in the dark entities.
  3. Milan Nikolic

    Why doesn't light move at an infinite speed?

    What can we say about the wave function? How serious are the results of experiments by which a quantum entity is in every point of the universe?
  4. Milan Nikolic

    What Is Entropy in Simple Terms?

    Nice explanation.
  5. Milan Nikolic

    Stephen Hawking's did god Create the Universe discovery documentary

    But, isn't it inflationary cosmology go down into the earlier period of evolution of the universe? There talking about small parts of a second after the Big Bang.
  6. Milan Nikolic

    Stephen Hawking's did god Create the Universe discovery documentary

    Does this mean that the universe existed before the Big Bang?
  7. Milan Nikolic

    Stephen Hawking's did god Create the Universe discovery documentary

    I agree. However, there is a danger that through philosophy, using breakthrough in physics, comes to some kind of religious belief, when also atheism becomes a kind of religion. It should be understood that neither atheism nor theism should be a matter of science, and that is why I reproach...
  8. Milan Nikolic

    Stephen Hawking's did god Create the Universe discovery documentary

    Condition within the Planck size, is defined with an unknown spaceless and timeless entities. Science will probably never be able to affirm these things.
  9. Milan Nikolic

    Stephen Hawking's did god Create the Universe discovery documentary

    That thing should be left to metaphysics, while physics should be interested only for methods that give results. So the story, such as Hawking's or creationists', have no purpose - are completely barren. Discoveries in physics should produce concrete results to the progress of humanity -...
  10. Milan Nikolic

    Stephen Hawking's did god Create the Universe discovery documentary

    Hawking makes a useful thing, because the problem with creationism thus can be resolved. Simply put, the current interpretation of the Creator (creationism), in general has nothing to do with reality. Talk about God can not be an affirmative way. Physics has a certain limit - such as issues...