Recent content by Mikestone

  1. M

    Crust on old Battery -- What happens when you drop Vinegar on it?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I've seen online that the crust may well be potasssium carbonate. I've also checked and found that acetic acid is an elaborate combination of hydrogen carbon and oxygen. This being so I should guess that the main products would be water and carbon dioxide. Only...
  2. M

    Crust on old Battery -- What happens when you drop Vinegar on it?

    I had an old Duracell battery with the bottom covered by a whitish encrustation. When I dropped some vinegar on this, there was a vigorous fizzing, and the encrustation disappeared. Any idea what the encrustation was (presumably soething alkaline, since vinegar is acidic) and what the likely...
  3. M

    Vaccines in Sci-Fi: Exploring Dystopian Outcomes of Mass Vaccination

    In Will Jenkins [1] "Symbiosis", an invaded country sees off its conquerers by giving their *own* people a "vaccine" which makes them asymptotic caarriers of a deadly plague, Later they all have to be re-vaccinated so that they can mix with foreigners again. [1] aka Murray Leinster
  4. M

    Why Do Some Classic Sci-Fi Stories Fail to Engage Modern Readers?

    I think I was lucky with the Foundation series, in that I read it in reverse order. I found Second Foundation when I was about eleven, thenF oundation and Empire a bit later and Foundation last of all. As I recall I found Foundation the weakest of the three, only mildly interesting compared to...
  5. M

    Waterworld Possibility: Can Planet Be Covered in Water?

    No reason why not. Earth's diameter is abt 8000 miles, while the highest mountain peak is only five miles above sea level while the deepest ocean trench is only seven miles below it Were Earth a yard across, the difference between highest and lowest points would be only abt a thirtieth of an...
  6. M

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    Q - What's the quickest way to make your kids smart? A - Spank them.
  7. M

    How can pie help you remember pi?

    There's an old poem about it. Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling In mystic verse and magic spelling Celestial sprites elucidate All my own striving can't relate Just count the letters in each word.
  8. M

    Old Astronomy Book Predicts the Kuiper Belt

    As a boy (probably about 1959/60) I read a book on astronomy which among other things briefly discussed Pluto . The author noted that it had been discovered as a result of discrepancies in the orbital motions of Uranus and Neptune, but was far too small to be the cause of these. Among other...
  9. M

    B Find triangles with areas that are integers

    Thanks. I did find the formulae, though you rather need to "read the fine print", as the results which they produce often have to be divided by their highest common factor in order to get the triangle in its "primitive" form.
  10. M

    B Find triangles with areas that are integers

    Aren't those specifically the formulae for generating *Pythagorean* triangles (ie right-angled ones) rather than heronian ones in general?
  11. M

    B Find triangles with areas that are integers

    Thanks a lot. The Wiki entry seems to give me what I was looking for. Also thanks to everyone else who has tried to help. In my schooldays I was good at maths, but there's clearly still a lot of terminology with which I am unfamiliar.
  12. M

    B Find triangles with areas that are integers

    Thanks. I do know that formula, and indeed it was while toying with it that I happened upon the 13,14,15 triangle. I tried various other combinations but was evidently unlucky in my choices as they all produced irrational numbers. As I was already familiar with a set of formulae to produce...
  13. M

    B Find triangles with areas that are integers

    Whoops, my mistake. I should probably have said "Pythagorean" rather than "right-angled'. On the other hand, if a right triangle had sides 1 and 1 its hypotenuse would of course *not* be an integer.
  14. M

    B Find triangles with areas that are integers

    It is pretty obvious that all right-angled triangles whose sides are integers will have areas which are also integers. Since either the base or height will be an even number, half base x height will always come out exactly. However, I have only found one non-right-angled triangle where this is...
  15. M

    Stargazing Assessment of astronomical numbers like those of Proxima Centauri

    Sorry. In that case I'd say (I haven't tried to actually measure) that they *are* pretty much to scale.