Recent content by mikesmith1287

  1. M

    Is Muscle Memory tied to Mirror Neurons?

    Just wondering: I know that your mirror-neurons strengthen connections simply by watching someone perform an action. My question is, is muscle memory tied to mirror neurons? Or is this not yet known? Can you gain muscle memory simply by thinking about a certain motion, rather than...
  2. M

    Can the Brain Take In New Information when Asleep?

    Cool. Thanks for the reply guys! David, but if you might have a weird dream about the book you were listening to, then doesn't that mean that you are sort of learning something new? I see that we are not wired for learning when we are sleeping, but maybe we can still learn, but just very...
  3. M

    Can the Brain Take In New Information when Asleep?

    Hello everyone. I have become very interested in how the brain works recently. I know that in sleep, your brain is basically going through all of the information that it has obtained, and sorts through it (decides what is/is not important, and strengthens/weakens those connections). But...