Recent content by MIIF

  1. MIIF

    MHB Trigonometric-Identity Problem (Quick Question)

    Yes, perhaps that's the case, but wouldn't the answers be different considering the quadrant difference (e.g., the sign switch for the answer in...
  2. MIIF

    MHB Trigonometric-Identity Problem (Quick Question)

    Shouldn't the quadrant in the orange circle (or whatever it looks like) match with the quadrant in the green one (i.e., Quadrant I)? Thanks.
  3. MIIF

    Is it possible to find dy given the values of dx and v?

    Homework Statement This isn't really a homework problem/question. I am just wondering if it is possible to calculate the vertical distance (dy) when the only given values are those of the horizontal distance (dx) and velocity (v). An example of this projectile-motion problem would be this: A...
  4. MIIF

    MHB Probability of Spin Resulting in Even # or <4

    I tried to answer it and got 3/4 or 6/8 after using the union set operation for 4/8 or 1/2 and 3/8, based on what is being asked in the problem...