Recent content by Miguel de Luis

  1. Miguel de Luis

    B Quasars & Fusion: Could They Generate Energy from Fusion?

    Could quasars be generating energy from fusion? I mean with all that material falling on it...
  2. Miguel de Luis

    Other Do I really need to know C++ or Assembly for debugging and understanding code?

    Python is not very hard to learn, though you will probably learn more by "doing" than by reading anything. Just get some basic program done, see it crash, google a solution and, eventually, you'll get the hand of it. Then, you study the theory and learn why your code was so ugly.
  3. Miguel de Luis

    What sparked Miguel's renewed interest in physics and how is he pursuing it?

    This is Miguel, hailing from Canary Islands, Spain. I have recently rediscovered my interest in Physics, --through that video sharing website of all places-- and I would like to keep on training. It's beyond my dreams to do anything in Science, except maybe, helping with computer code. Cheers!