Recent content by microatx

  1. microatx

    B Does the quantum vacuum have information?

    Guys thank you for the answers. But ı think at this point ı should ı ask about that means of information conservation. Because when ı say that information conservation ı feel like information must be carried by somehow.
  2. microatx

    B Does the quantum vacuum have information?

    Thanks buddy. In my main language, words are pronounced as they are written. My mistakes like ''grammer'' are caused by this.
  3. microatx

    B Does the quantum vacuum have information?

    Hey everyone, My question is simple. Has quantum vacuum information ? And can we measure it with Shannon Entropy and the other ways. By the way I just started to learn english so ı have any grammer mistake please tell me. I know this is out of subject but thank you.
  4. microatx

    Can Technology Recreate Past Sounds from Solid Surfaces?

    Hey I thought the same thing recently. I didn't think of it as glass, but slowing down the light might help us see the past. Of course, we can't see before since we installed the mechanism, so the camera may make more sense. But great for invisibility
  5. microatx

    Can Technology Recreate Past Sounds from Solid Surfaces?

    How matter captures and encodes vibrations ? An interesting concept even if the device is not practically possible
  6. microatx

    Can Technology Recreate Past Sounds from Solid Surfaces?

    Actually that device seem in season 1 ep 19 first time. İn 33:32 Peter explains the working principle of the device. Edit:Thanks for welcome
  7. microatx

    Can Technology Recreate Past Sounds from Solid Surfaces?

    Firstly hello everyone and sorry for my broke english, Maybe you can remember there was some kind of sound device in the fringe. Peter Bishop designed and we've seen the observes use it too. This device was able to reconstruct a sound of past using traces left by sound's interaction with the...