Recent content by mick25

  1. M

    [Complex analysis] Coefficients of Laurent series

    Homework Statement I have some past exam questions that I am confused with Homework Equations a_{n} = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \oint_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z-a}\, dz The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure how to approach this, I'm completely lost and just attempted to solve a few: a) it says f(z)...
  2. M

    Solving Complex Analysis Questions: Are My Answers Right?

    It's actually \oint \frac{\cos(z+11)}{z^2-23} dz and since z = ±√23 is not in the unit circle, it must be 0 right? The second integral is \oint \frac{\cos(z+11)}{z^2-6z} dz which can be written as \oint \frac{\cos(z+11)}{z(z-6)} dz then \oint \frac{\frac{\cos(z+11)}{z-6}}{z} dz so...
  3. M

    Solving Complex Analysis Questions: Are My Answers Right?

    Homework Statement I just wrote a test and was wondering if I got these questions right, I already solved them, please see the attached pictures below. Here are the questions; sorry for non-latex form 1) Let gamma be a positively oriented unit circle (|z|=1) in C solve: i) integral of...
  4. M

    Homotopic Jordan curves in C [pic included]

    Looks like I had a brain fart there haha, jeez I feel dumb. Thanks. Also, I have another question if you could answer it: what makes a Jordan curve unique? For example, there is this question: Sketch infinitely many non-homotopic Jordan curves in C\<-1, i, 1>. I have these two...
  5. M

    Homotopic Jordan curves in C [pic included]

    This isn't homework but I'm having trouble understanding the concept of non-homotopic and homotopic Jordan curves. My understanding of Jordan curves and homotopy: A Jordan curve is a simple closed curve (ie a closed curve that only intersects at the endpoints; f(z1)=f(z2) => z1=z2) such that...
  6. M

    [Cardinality] Prove there is no bijection between two sets

    nope i just realized it after posting this thread but i don't know how to delete it now thanks
  7. M

    [Cardinality] Prove there is no bijection between two sets

    Homework Statement prove there is no continuous bijection from the unit circle (the boundary; x^2+y^2=1) to R Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution is this possible to show by cardinality? since if two sets have different cardinality, then there is no bijection between...
  8. M

    Proving a function is well defined and continuous

    Rather than dealing with all the terms separately, I've been trying to just apply a simple comparison test (followed by an integral test) to prove its convergence, but I could only come up with divergent cases. I'm starting to think if there is an error with this question; does this series...
  9. M

    Proving a function is well defined and continuous

    Homework Statement Let f_{n}(x)=\frac{-x^2+2x-2x/n+n-1+2/n-1/n^2}{(n ln(n))^2} Prove f(x) = \sum^{\infty}_{n=1} f_{n}(x) is well defined and continuous on the interval [0,1]. Homework Equations In a complete normed space, if \sum x_{k}converges absolutely, then it converges.The Attempt at...
  10. M

    [Linear Algebra] Finding T*; complex conjugate linear transformation

    \alpha = <1, \sqrt{3}(2x-1)> is an orthonormal basis for P_1{}(R) By the definition of the inner product space, have < T(p(x)), q(x) > = \int_0^1 \! p'(x)q(x) \, \mathrm{d} x + \int_0^1 \! p(x)q(x) \, \mathrm{d} x So I computed < T(1), 1 > = 1 < T(1), \sqrt{3}(2x-1) > = 0 <...
  11. M

    [Linear Algebra] Finding T*; complex conjugate linear transformation

    I just got the new matrices with the orthonormal basis but I'm still at the same sticking point The matrices aren't equal so T isn't self-adjoint; that's all I can conclude right now
  12. M

    [Linear Algebra] Finding T*; complex conjugate linear transformation

    [Linear Algebra] Finding T* adjoint of a linear operator Homework Statement Consider P_1{}(R), the vector space of real linear polynomials, with inner product < p(x), q(x) > = \int_0^1 \! p(x)q(x) \, \mathrm{d} x Let T: P_1{}(R) \rightarrow P_1{}(R) be defined by T(p(x)) = p'(x) +...