Recent content by Michelle027

  1. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    Thank you I appreciate
  2. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    This is a Pythagoras one, right? I will use the sum of the squares of 2 and 3 and the square root of the answer of those which will be length of the hypotenuse and thus the length of the vector...
  3. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    I thank thee with my hat in my hand... I am just apalled that I didnt try Pythagoras... which tells me I do not fully understand this work so I will go and STUDY SOME MORE...
  4. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    I Have been trying to figure out what they did to get that I even tried to use the original distances - but Iam still trying ... Maybe I am just missing something.
  5. Michelle027

    Can Michelle conquer physics like Penny from The Big Bang Theory?

    Thank you at this stage I feel like Penny from the Big bang Theory when Sheldon and Leonard are discussing theories...:nb):smile:
  6. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    I got initial velocity vector 9m by calculating 9cos 45 ( as direction was NE) that gave me 6.36 as x-axis is negative for the direction given I got xhat -6.36 and yhat will then be 6.36 both in m/s. Final velocity vectors was yhat 15m/s as x is 0 for that direction which was North. From that...
  7. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    The average acceleration vector was 0.795m/s^2 xhat and 1.08m/s^2 yhat. That I was able to calculate.
  8. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    Oh my word - I will read through that chapter again - doing this through a distance learning institution and it seems the more I try to figure this the more distance there comes between me and understanding how this works! Thank you for your time and replies
  9. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    Thank you so much for replying. I will try that and then make sure I understand why I had to work with that magnitude. I am studying through a distance-education institution so I rely on Google and Youtube and this forum
  10. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    Thank you for answering I know that a change in direction brings about acceleration. I presume that is why the acceleration is not constant? I will try a different equation.
  11. Michelle027

    Find average acceleration - vectors

    1. A car is traveling 9m/s Northwest. 8 seconds later it has rounded a corner and is now heading North at 15m/s. This was a question from my textbook and was an example question - so they supplied answers. I was able to work through all of it finding everything except the last question. They...
  12. Michelle027

    Can Michelle conquer physics like Penny from The Big Bang Theory?

    Good morning- my name is Michelle I am from South Africa and I am studying physics, or rather trying my utmost best to study it...