Recent content by Michaela SJ

  1. Michaela SJ

    B Dark Energy & Matter: Exploring the Big Bang

    One of the big problems many of us non-techies have with the science cognoscenti is that they easily blow off legitimate questions with a pat on the head and 'please go away' attitude. Drakkith - we do not know what Dark Energy is because it is well, unknown. I asked a legitimate question...
  2. Michaela SJ

    B Dark Energy & Matter: Exploring the Big Bang

    Ok, this question is prompted by watching a TV program on the Big Bang - sorry! Right after inflation, there was a flood of matter/anti-matter. The matter/anti-matter went through a period of annihilation but there was a residual amount of (anti-)matter left that has become our physical...
  3. Michaela SJ

    Why don't birds get shocked on power lines?

    I once watched a beautiful Golden Eagle land with a wing crossed over a transmission line and its other wing on the spreader. The eagle immediately combusted and caused enough damage that PG&E had to look at the tower from one of its helicopters. It was always my understanding that birds do not...
  4. Michaela SJ

    Measuring Wavelength of Photons: Precision & Variation

    The recent publishing of the Event Horizon Telescope's fantastic accomplishment vis-a-vis the imaging of a black hole sometimes refers to the capturing of 'photons'. Is any emission in the electromagnetic spectrum considered a photon? As an amateur visual astronomer, I am familiar with the...
  5. Michaela SJ

    I Expanding universe needs a big bang?

    ed Pardon my impertinence, but doesn't anything shorter than the length of Planck Time foreclose knowing what happened at the moment of the Big Bang.
  6. Michaela SJ

    I A very small object following Earth in the same orbit

    Thanks to both of you. I am absolutely certain the article I am trying to find was not about a space vehicle remnant. The description of 2010 TK7 meets my estimated time frame but my recollection is slightly different (and likely wrong :frown:). I remember the object as being in the 'same'...
  7. Michaela SJ

    I A very small object following Earth in the same orbit

    A bunch of years ago, I read about a very small object following Earth in the same orbit, but not in any danger of collision with Earth (at least in the next few billion years). Anyone know about the object. I have done a search but cannot find any reference to what I think I read about?
  8. Michaela SJ

    I Big Bang Confusion: Exploring the Singularity

    Head is hurting - So, we don't have a singularity, or maybe we do, that contains or doesn't contain everything in an infinitely tiny kernel that magically goes through an inflation turning into all of the Standard Model particle that was not hot a very small period of time before but is then...
  9. Michaela SJ

    I Big Bang Confusion: Exploring the Singularity

    I apologize for my strong headedness - but there must have been something that heated before something was reheated. What was 'inflated' if not a something some call a singularity.
  10. Michaela SJ

    I Big Bang Confusion: Exploring the Singularity

    No, I was trying to understand how the singularity has any temperature whatsoever and why DURING the inflation the temperature rose to trillions of degrees of heat. I understand (at least I think I do) how the growth of the universe both spatially and time wise cooled down to the current ±...
  11. Michaela SJ

    I Big Bang Confusion: Exploring the Singularity

    (I am not a physicist - so, please be gentle :redface:) I was watching a program last night on the SCI channel, Did the Big Bang Really Happen? and they were describing the 'Singularity' as being this super hot very dense and infinitely small thing. And then when it went through the 'inflation'...
  12. Michaela SJ

    Insights Planning to buy a first telescope? - Comments

    I would like to add M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy. I have glimpsed this very sparse and wide fuzzy from the Santa Crus Mountains outside of Boulder Creek. It is very difficult and you must know where to look.
  13. Michaela SJ

    Curious as to why a thread was closed

    I actually became a licensed General Building Contractor in 1978, before building my first home and I managed the design of every project I built. No one would consider me a DIYer. 25 houses with sales prices in excess of $500,000 in 1984-1990 Dollars without administrative complaint or...
  14. Michaela SJ

    North Magnetic Pole wandering away

    In an article I read, they did not see the same movement in the southern magnetic pole. I, too have a question about the magnetic Earth flipping its magnetism orientation. But a generalized read is here...
  15. Michaela SJ

    Curious as to why a thread was closed

    All told, I do not disagree with both of you comments. Just offering my take.