Recent content by mgiddy911

  1. M

    A 4.0 GPA: How Much Does it Matter?

    here's my 2 cents I've had an REU or internship each of 3 summers since starting college. I've also never had higher than a 3.4 gpa. I have also been rejected by reu applications but did succeed in obtaining a position each summer though the position after my first year was more because a...
  2. M

    What classes are you taking for Fall 2009?

    Fall 2009: Abstract Algebra Introduction to Fiction: Writing Intensive Introduction to Scientific Writing: Writing Intensive History of Computing Astrophysics Research all classes are 3 credits except research which is only 2 this time. so 17 hrs per week.
  3. M

    Programs Best Undergrad Majors for TAM PhD & Research Options to Explore

    I might just not be well versed in different majors but.. I've never seen anywhere that offers a degree in "TAM". It seems like you would be interested in majoring in physics and mathematics during undergrad then finding a graduate program in either math or physics that is doing research in...
  4. M

    Exploring Study Abroad Options in Ireland for Your College Experience"

    I studied abroad in Ireland at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick. It has nothing to do with math and physics, I went for a break from all that actually, but that aside I loved every minute of it. There are a lot of schools you could attend over there. National University Ireland, Galway...
  5. M

    Going from Comp. Sci. to Physics

    Which courses do you have available to you for the physics minor. You may find it hard to begin a graduate physics program with only a physics minor. Math will be another large factor. What math courses will you have available to take. Generally a physics major will have taken Calculus...
  6. M

    Is Geometry necessary for understanding Physics?

    Here this should make it even easier; read through the article found at the following link as it contains a LOT of good advice"
  7. M

    Is Geometry necessary for understanding Physics?

    Well I think there are some other posts on this forum you should look through. Check the very top posts in this forum, the sticky posts. They should prove helpful for you to read through. "So you Want to be a Physicist..." comes to mind. Having used Boas's book I can't think of anything off the...
  8. M

    Programs Physics major contemplating Math Minor. Need Help Deciding.

    That seems to be a valid decision. In all reality the math minor would have done nothing for you except give you the extra math courses. It wouldn't have added much to your CV. And if you will have exposure to many of those math topics (covered in the minor) anyway then you seem to be still on...
  9. M

    Research and Independent Study

    If you really feel this lost and it is only a summer program I would not hesitate to go and seek help from your supervisors, other student interns (if there are any), and anyone else that is involved with the project. Because it is a summer program you may not have too much time to waste...
  10. M

    How much research is necessary to get into a good graduate program?

    I think you are simply asking the wrong questions. There is no set limit for getting into graduate school for how much research you need to have done. I'm certain there are cases on both extremes where people with 2 years of research or no research at all were denied or accepted (respectively)...
  11. M

    Music Physics of Music: Why Are Musical Notes Standard Frequencies?

    That unpleasant tritone is a staple in some types of music however. Examine some songs from 'Metal' music. There are plenty of songs that make use of dissonance in a good way but again it is up to the listener to decide what they think sounds good yet at the same time the author is open to...
  12. M

    Testing Is Skipping a Master's for a Ph.D in Math a Good Idea?

    Well here's my 2 cents on what I did in my Real Analysis course granted other schools and courses may be a lot different. I found it hard to get used to doing proofs in RA at first. In my opinion it was a lot different than say 'proving' things in high school geometry. What helped me was to...
  13. M

    Testing Is Skipping a Master's for a Ph.D in Math a Good Idea?

    I haven't personally taken the qual exams but I bet there some good books out there, probably even at the library (rather than buying them as they may be pricey). They would probably give you some good practice materials. As for the question about your teaching assistanship, I think that is a...
  14. M

    What degree should I pursue to research Photovoltaic solar panels?

    I'd say EE is your best bet but perhaps something like chemical engineering or materials science would also be a good fit. You may want to keep other options in mind however rather than restricting your career plan to only working on solar technology. I think it is a good goal, however, given...
  15. M

    Programs Physics major contemplating Math Minor. Need Help Deciding.

    At my uni a physics major need only take one extra class in maths and they are granted a minor. Which maths courses are you required to take for your physics degree. For example do you need a course in PDE for your physics degree or do you have to take liner algebra for physics? it seems like...