Recent content by Mewtwo

  1. M

    The time it takes this thing to travel across 3 points

    Hey! I have a problem that I have no clue how to solve. So I was hoping you guys could help me. I'm not from an English speaking country so I apologize. Homework Statement A thing is made to travel in water and on land. In water it travels with 20 m/s speed but on land with 25m/s speed. The...
  2. M

    Use the cosinus law to prove this formula

    ok I got this Is that correct?
  3. M

    Use the cosinus law to prove this formula

    So I get ?
  4. M

    Use the cosinus law to prove this formula

    ok 0.5 so I get ?
  5. M

    Use the cosinus law to prove this formula

    So I get ? Sorry if I'm slow :/
  6. M

    Use the cosinus law to prove this formula

    Sorry, but what do you mean? I know the cosine law is: but I just don't know what to do with it. Should I solve for c?
  7. M

    Use the cosinus law to prove this formula

    Hey! I have a problem here that I can't solve, help would be greatly appreciated. Homework Statement In a triangle ABC with sides a, b and c, B is 60°. Use the cosinus law to prove this formula...