Recent content by merlinisproof

  1. M

    Cooling in Cosmic Microwave Background

    I am a little confused about how exactly the CMB "works". At first hearing, it makes perfect sense that as time goes on and the universe expands radiation would decrese in frequence, but when I think about it a little more deeply I miss something. My thought is how exactly does the light...
  2. M

    I am missing something in the train paradox

    The train paradox used to demonstrate relativity of simulatneity says that ( I will assume most people are familiar with it and therefore be brief) the observer on the train moves into the light from the front of the train and away from the light coming from the back of the train, therefore...
  3. M

    Math Is a joint-honours (Mathematics and Physics) necessary?

    Hi, I have begun looking at universities and possible courses ( i live in the uk if that is relevent), and i have always wanted to do physics at uni. The problem is I can't decide if I want to do Physics by itself or Physics and Maths as a degree. I think the reason is that i am not...