Recent content by melezmelez

  1. M

    Ryder QFT 2nd ed. page 341 misprint?

    Eq. 9.124 has 3 steps. The first one gives 0 propagator for ε goes to 0. The final step, the one with Z gives infinity. Can anyone post the correct steps? Is there anything wrong in previews equations? It is important for me to learn the Ryder's book method. I have an exam in 10 days
  2. M

    What is meant by a particle should not overclose the univese? what is overclose?

    what is meant by a particle should not overclose the univese? what is overclose? is it packed? ''The allowed axion mass range, bounded from below by the requirement that axions should not overclose the universe and from above by accelerator searches and stellar evolution.