Recent content by mehdi6

  1. mehdi6

    I Computational particle physics

    I meant Initial statistical weight. I am trying to initially distribute my particle based on an specific statistical weight (e.g. maxwellian, loss cone or...) then put them in an specific field like dipolar field and analysis their trajectory. plus Analyzing and deriving the final distribution...
  2. mehdi6

    I Computational particle physics

    I have generated those numbers by using a self made function, so it Not some pseudo random generator. I need to give my particles an specific ID's apart from just giving them random velocity. plus their distribution is not uniform in this domain (-0.35 up to 0.35). Before I run the code, I need...
  3. mehdi6

    I Computational particle physics

    Thanks for your reply. As you may know, the random generator produce a number between -1 to 1 for the 3 velocity components. I make the arrangement so the velocity would be around -0.35 to 0.35 for each of them (non-relativistic range). My code is a test particle code, and I could make it work...
  4. mehdi6

    I Computational particle physics

    Hi to all, I have a random number generator in FORTRAN, which gives a random numbers to my particles initial velocity in three dimension (vx,vy,vz). If, I want to make my particles to embark to move with a specific weight (eg. Maxwellian), what should I do? absv = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz) wt=...