Recent content by medgalis

  1. medgalis

    Information carrued by photons.

    Ok, so I don't understand, what information is a photon carrying? It's mass, velocity or something like that?
  2. medgalis

    Virtual particales and black holes.

    Hello, So i have heard that virtual particlees just pop-in and pop-out of existence, but if a black hole is near those particlee one of the pair of the virtual particlees gets sucked in. So what happens to the other particlee?
  3. medgalis

    Is the Universe Infinite or Does It Have a Center?

    Hello, i have been watching documentaries and reading papers about the universe and I've noticed that there are many opinios on the size of the universe. Some say it's infinite and some say it's not. But if it's not, then it has to have a center. So my question is, is the universe infinite or...
  4. medgalis

    Can Photons Have Mass? Debate & Answer

    Oh. Well i didn't know that.
  5. medgalis

    Can Photons Have Mass? Debate & Answer

    But she still teaches this kind of a thing she believes it and i don't know how can she still believe it. And she says that a moving photon has mass.
  6. medgalis

    Can Photons Have Mass? Debate & Answer

    She says it can be calculated with E=mc^2.
  7. medgalis

    Can Photons Have Mass? Debate & Answer

    Me and my teacher have been arguing, whether photons have or don't have mass. I say that it's impossible for photons to have mass, but my teacher says that we can calculate the photons mass. So my question is, can photons have mass?
  8. medgalis

    What Are Quasars & How Do They Work?

    I am really interested what are quasars and how do they work.
  9. medgalis

    How can gravity grasp on space time?

    How can matter produce gravity.
  10. medgalis

    How can gravity grasp on space time?

    Yes, that's exactly what i wanted to ask, but didn't know how to ask.
  11. medgalis

    How can gravity grasp on space time?

    Hello. This topic might seem stupid, but i got interested in quantum gravity and I didn't understand how gravity grasps and distorts spacetime. So my question is, how can gravity distort spacetime?