Recent content by Mectaresh

  1. M

    Ethnic and cultural differences

    Genetically speaking,race does not exist,it is just a social construct based on some physical traits(facial features and skin color). The intercontinental gene flow among humans makes it cleat that we're all mixed somehow .
  2. M

    Wave-particle duality at Macro scale?

    Nice video, I couldn't help but notice that the droplet's waves propagate ahead of it which doesn't seem to be the case at the quantum level.
  3. M

    Universe expansion speed vs gravitational waves speed

    Interesting! How do you feel about the use of color charge,flavor and black hole?
  4. M

    Universe expansion speed vs gravitational waves speed

    From my own(simplistic)perspective,dark energy is expanding the universe by creating further spacetime at a velocity faster than the speed of light,if gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light how is it possible that M31 and the milky way are still bound by gravity when the fabric of...
  5. M

    Entangled particles inside a black-hole

    Thanks for your warm welcome DrChinese, I have another question on my mind if you don't mind me asking ! I learned that before an object enters the event horizon it sort of freezes in time(from another observer's perspective). The entangled partner in the lab is technically both observing...
  6. M

    Entangled particles inside a black-hole

    Most of my knowledge about quantum mechanics comes from TV shows,I a not trying to argue here,but I am quite sure I heard more than once that only information cannot travel faster than the speed of light and that entanglement is instant. I must admit that the instantaneous reaction of the...
  7. M

    Entangled particles inside a black-hole

    Would it be possible to study black-holes just by entangling particles and sending some of them right into a black-hole?