Recent content by Mechanics89

  1. M

    Torque in one end of a rod in free space

    Okay, thanks for the answer. But for instance: assume a robotic arm with a single joint between two "bones". When the robotic joint is actuated, isn't there only a torque imposed in the joint, thus causing the arm to move? Or will the arm only be able to move, if a "muscle" is connected a small...
  2. M

    Torque in one end of a rod in free space

    That there is no torque as the total external net force is zero? :)
  3. M

    Torque in one end of a rod in free space

    Nope - so will the acceleration be: d2x = 0; d2y = 0; d2Phi = Tau / I_COM; or: d2x = 0; d2y = 0; d2Phi = Tau / (I_COM + m * (L/2)^2); Or an I completely off track here? :)
  4. M

    Torque in one end of a rod in free space

    Okay, thanks. But the torque will imply an angular acceleration? Calculated by Tau = (I_COM + m * (L/2)^2) * Alpha? And will this angular acceleration be around the end or the COM?
  5. M

    Torque in one end of a rod in free space

    But why would the torque cancel out? The example should be thought of as no external net force is applied. Can it be explained by the following sketch, where the torque couples cancel out?: I'm trying to determine the acceleration of the COM along with the angular acceleration around the COM.
  6. M

    Torque in one end of a rod in free space

    @Orodruin: I was thinking what there will be a force on the center of mass as the torque would imply this due to Tau = a x F?
  7. M

    Torque in one end of a rod in free space

    Hello. I'm having trouble with determining the dynamics of a rod, when one of the ends has a torque applied to it. I've illustrated it in the figure below: There are no external forces except of the torque - so no gravity, drag etc. Also, the rod is assumed rigid. How will it behave...