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    A Is a solution of a differential equation a function of its parameters?

    Hi everyone, Imagine I have a system of linear differential equations, e.g. the Maxwell equations. Imagine my input variables are the conductivity $\sigma$. Is it correct from the mathematical point of view to say that the electric field solution, $E$, is a function of sigma in general...
  2. Meaning

    How can I enhance my understanding of physics through online forums?

    Hi! I found the forum searching in google. I doing a physics course, and I am here to share and improve my knowledge see you
  3. Meaning

    [Fusion] Basic concept behind the Stellarator

    Hey I am starting a course on plasma physics, I don't understand the principle of Stellarators. If there is no plasma current, how is the mhd equilibrium achieved (J \times B = grad P)? I apologize if the answer is obvious, but I starting with this