Recent content by Mdhiggenz

  1. M

    How to Prove A Union B in Set Theory?

    Homework Statement How would I prove that A\cup B? Thank you Higgenz Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  2. M

    Probability one or more statement

    Homework Statement In probability if they say that for instance " if one or more ____ are found" Why wouldn't it be x≥1? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  3. M

    Proving n^2 is Divisible by 4: Contradiction Method

    If n is odd n^2 would be odd as well. n2=2(2R2+2R)+1 n=2R+1 That tells us that even ^2 gives you even, and odd squared gives you odd. It helps us because it tells us something directly about n, for instance since they are telling us explicitly that n^2 is even. We know that n is even as well...
  4. M

    Proving n^2 is Divisible by 4: Contradiction Method

    I get what you're saying, but I'm confused on how to express that. From the other post I started with n is even, then n^2 is even. So now I have to start if n^2 is even then n is even. n2 is even, then n2=2R. and n=√2R , where R is any integer. This is rational so I'm not sure how this...
  5. M

    Proving n^2 is Divisible by 4: Contradiction Method

    If n^2, n is even. I can prove that simply by, Suppose n is even, then n=2R where R is any integer. n^2=4R^2=2(2R^2) which is also even. Oh So would I have to do a sub step, and prove that if n is odd, then n^2 is odd?
  6. M

    Proving n^2 is Divisible by 4: Contradiction Method

    Thank you for all the replies. I noticed that a proof by contradiction might have been the worst way to go. So I tried two different methods direct, and contrapositive. 1. Direct: First I rewrote the problem if n2 is even then n2 is divisble by 4. since n2 is even, then n2=2R, where are...
  7. M

    Proving n^2 is Divisible by 4: Contradiction Method

    Homework Statement Hello Guys, can you check my proof. Problem statement: Let n be an integer such that n2 is even. Prove that n2 is divisible by 4. Proof by contradiction: Suppose n2 is not divisible by 4, thus n is odd. Such that n=2p+1, and n2=4p2+4p+1. Factoring out 2 we have...
  8. M

    Why Must the Angle γ Be Greater Than 90° in Engineering Statics?

    Oh because since it is below the xy plane that would mean it would be in either quadrants 3 or 4, but would that mean it should be γ>180 not 90?. I do understand though that the max a triangle can be is 180 I just don't understand that relation. For the projection of the 30 degree triangle I...
  9. M

    Why Must the Angle γ Be Greater Than 90° in Engineering Statics?

    γ is measured from the z axis to F2. It seems that F2 is below the xy plane. For the projection what I mean was for the 30degree the way my mind analyzes it is that we get the x components of both triangles e.g 30 and 45 degree. Which would mean that 450*cos(45) would be the x component for the...
  10. M

    Why Must the Angle γ Be Greater Than 90° in Engineering Statics?

    Homework Statement Hello everyone, I have a few questions regarding the problem below. 1. I did the process for solving γ correct however I took the 60° angle instead of the 120° angle. The below solution states that γ>90°. Why must is be greater, than 90°, and when would it have been...
  11. M

    Comparing Truth Tables: P→(Q→R) vs. (P→Q)→R

    Homework Statement Hello, I was working on the following truth table problems 1.P→(Q→R) 2.(P→Q)→R and wanted to know why I got different truth tables it seems that we could use the associative law to rewrite 1. in the same manner as 2. Or am I missing something? Thanks Higgenz...
  12. M

    Symmetry in Problem Solving: Understanding Quick Integrals"

    It isn't homework. I even linked you the answer lol. The problem statement is to compute the integral 0<x<(1/2)∏ ∫cos^2(x)dx in your head. The example wanted you to use symmetry so if you were able to picture the graph in your head you see that both cos(x) and sin(x) both are symmetric on...
  13. M

    Symmetry in Problem Solving: Understanding Quick Integrals"

    Still doesn't answer the question to where the 1/2 comes from
  14. M

    Symmetry in Problem Solving: Understanding Quick Integrals"

    Homework Statement Hello guys, I'm studying for the Putnam, and I'm going over problem solving strategies involving symmetry. I got the symmetry portion correct, but their conclution to solving the integral is what confused me. I'm not sure how they got they got from...
  15. M

    The way the circuit is drawn is super confusing to me

    Hmm by that picture it seems like it simplifies completely. Is that the case?